I have just returned home from a 10:30 PM EST showing of the new "Incredible Hulk" movie and it is "Incredibly Horrible" (I decided to be a little nice).
I have never seen such a horribly thrown together movie in my life time. Ang Lee deserves to be beaten to death with a rubber hose for directing this (Although I am led to believe that he hired a five year old retarded chimp to direct in his place)

Reasons for my criticism
* There is very little to no sound track
* There is very little actual "ACTION" which I'm amazed they could pull off in a hulk movie.
* The 2 1/2 hours of story jumps around and is very hard to follow.
* Can someone say bad acting? Except for the main characters it seems they hired random people to act in this movie... HORRIBLE!
* You can tell they ran out of ideas half way through it, at the end of the movie they do the "Your making me angry" bit in spanish in a 3rd world latin country... EEVIIL!

If you still wish to see this movie, do so at your own risk! The trailer is so damn misleading!

$8.00 poorer
Well if you found the story hard to follow, then I am led to believe that you are the five year old retarded chimp that Ang Lee hired.

Heh, I only paid $5.50 =P
In response to OneFishDown
LOL, well...I only have to pay $5.00 and that's not for a certain movie. That's just to get in...once you're in, you can see as many movies as you want. =P
But, that's when they really hit your wallet, with the high priced popcorn and sodas...who do they think they are...Disney World!?
In response to OneFishDown
The story isn't hard to get, its just hard to "follow" meaning that I found it way too scattered and random to call itself professional.

--The Retarded Chimp--
In response to NeoHaxor
Hmm, I dunno, I thought the story was fine. The movie was better than I expected, though I did have low expectations. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was some of the horribly gaudy transitions that they used. Most were yo give it that comic book kind of look, but some of them just have no place in a movie. And even so, they may have gone a little overboard with making it look like a comic book.
I really didn't think it was that bad of a movie, although it didn't have enough senseless acts of violence and smashery(Smashery - using the basic skills of crushing, smashing, and utterly destroying objects/creatures.). I still don't think it deserves reviews as bad as the ones I'v been seeing, and these reviews are making me angry, and you wont like me when I'm angry.

In response to Kusanagi
Buahaha --

That movie was horrible, it was slow for one thing, it took almost an hour to finish alot of worthless background.

And the plot? that fact that they actually got on in amazes me. Boy meets girl, gets smacked with gama rays, destroys stuff, saves girl -- meets father who gets smacked with gama rays, destroys stuff -- destroys father -- the end.

they REALLY didn't need to streatch the movie 2 1/2 hours to get that all in.

I would rate this movie a renter at best


and these reviews are making me angry, and you wont like me when I'm angry.

You shoulda tried for the part, you coulda probably played a better Hulk ;)