In response to OneFishDown
Don't be so harsh. I'm just trying to voice my opinion. I think that this topic is a little sensitive hitting a forum. And in the past has prooved to be a little 'flamey'. Sorry if I offended you in anyway.
In response to THE Brama Bull
Its not that your just stating your opinoin, your trying to pound your opinion into everone else by force. Instead of screaming "this is gonna start a flame you idiot," Simply answer his question. It will only start a flame is someone turns it into that, and from the looks of things, your turning it in that direction.
In response to THE Brama Bull
Only since you've suggested it is, because as of now...even Garthor hasn't said much, nothing more than a little laugh here and there. So, unless YOU wanna make it'll stay just as it is, a friendly post.
Well, since you all want me to answer the question. I believe their is no DBZ game worthy enough to be called 'good on BYOND. All of them are low on gameplay and seemingy unoriginal.
In response to Jotdaniel
Again, I am sorry if I offended you. I dislike all dbz 'things' (I don't watch cartoons).
In response to THE Brama Bull
I dislike them too, but posting an unhelpful and seemingly offensive post is not useful to anyone.
In response to Hazman
If you take offense to my posts then don't read them. Why should I have to restrict myself for all of you? Sorry again and for the final time.
In response to THE Brama Bull
If what you say offends everyone, or even almost everyone, or most of all the person your replying to, then dont post it.
In response to THE Brama Bull
That, again, was not the question. Your still being antagonistic here Bull. He wants to know which games people think are better than most in the dbz genre. If you don't want to answer that simple question, stop posting. You kept saying this would get flamey, but your the only person dragging it in that direction.
In response to THE Brama Bull
Than again that can go for basically 85% of all games on BYOND. (With of course, DBZ based games being roughly 33% of the entire game population here). So 3/9 games on BYOND is a DBZ based game, and only one of those 9 games can be called "good". DBZ isn't what makes BYOND gaming horrible, it just seems that way because it is a popular subject and many of these games are the maker's first project (Having an outstanding first project is very rare). Also, the source being original or not is also no reason to be looked upon as "bad". If this was the case than there are very few good non-profitable games, it is basically the same as using snippets/demos and libraries within a game (Despite law violations and dislike for the sources) being able to program has very little to do with being a good (or potentially good) game maker.
You may not like DBZ, but you are fairly outnumbered on BYOND and there are a few games around here that I could find entertaining. The games I liked here are DBTC, Dragonball Epic Online, and I hear very good reviews of Dragonball Zeta from those that play it.

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