I'm not normally one to advertise like this, and I don't care if I get flamed over this, because I know a few people will benefit and even more will actually click the link.

.TK is a domain thing reserved for the small island of Tokelau. The island has no proper communications or medical facilities, but the DotTK project aims to change that.

DotTK is trying to get 1,000,000 domains registered so that high-profile companies will sponsor the island and pay for medical, communication and educational equipment. You can help by registering for a free domain. There are no strings attached, except you need 30 unique clicks every month.

Go on! Get a free domain name AND support a small island!

(BTW, that was completly written by me, I did NOT copy and paste that).
Hazman wrote:
I'm not normally one to advertise like this, and I don't care if I get flamed over this, because I know a few people will benefit and even more will actually click the link.

.TK is a domain thing reserved for the small island of Tokelau. The island has no proper communications or medical facilities, but the DotTK project aims to change that.

DotTK is trying to get 1,000,000 domains registered so that high-profile companies will sponsor the island and pay for medical, communication and educational equipment. You can help by registering for a free domain. There are no strings attached, except you need 30 unique clicks every month.

Go on! Get a free domain name AND support a small island!

(BTW, that was completly written by me, I did NOT copy and paste that).

Funny... I was about to purchase a domain ^_^.

*Spends money elsewhere* =D


In response to Camaro
Who's site is 'acid productions'?

Not a 'direct question' to anyone.
In response to Hazman
If that was a direct question to me, I don't know but that sounds familiar though.

In response to Camaro
Acid I think that is a byond key isnt it *shrugs*
In response to Camaro
One slight problem I find with .tk redirected domains: their DNS servers are a little flaky - when I had pointing back to the site hosted under digialBYOND, many times a day the reditrection did not work because the DNS servers acted like they forgot where the site was. Another annoying bit is the use of pop-ups (which thankfully Pheonix/Firebird/Mozilla-variant browsers can block easily).

If you can put up with scatterbrained DNS servers, then .tk domains are a nice way to make your long, unwieldy URLs nice and neat looking.