Didnt you host headrow hall? Well how come you dont host it anymore?
Koolguy900095 wrote:
Didnt you host headrow hall? Well how come you dont host it anymore?

You must not read the forums very well, nor very often... I posted an answer to this on 6/28/03 at 11:21 pm, my time...

Try searching this forum for posts from me of the last few days, and pay special attention to the post that says "digitalBYOND and HrH forums return soon!"

Amazing how easy the BYOND search engine works!


In response to digitalmouse
Well i havent been here for a while so i wouldnt know you posted an answer...
In response to Koolguy900095
This is why I suggested that you search the forum - searching takes less time than making your post, and you would have found your answer without posting in the first place! =)

It would be nice if people used the search engine more often - it would lead to far less repeated posts, and far less waste of forum disk space... giving more room for a richer archive of useful content.