Ignore the purple borders; just something BYOND puts around it.

These are for my site; you'll see them there. (It's currently a temp site)

This one I did really quick:
Pretty good, did you do those in PSP or Photoshop? I have to say, I personally perfer Photoshop.

In response to DBHavenMaster
In response to DBHavenMaster
Most people do, i personally like Paint Shop Pro, but "to each his own"
Here are a few desktop backgroungs i have done:

Thats about it that i have for show right now, feel free to use those on your computer.
In response to Scoobert
I personally ike the first one.
Nice... As for the purple borders, that's not something that BYOND does, it's something that IE does... All hyperlinked images are surrounded by a border, unless you turn the border off in the tag...

And the border isn't purple for everyone, that's just the IE default for link color... Mine is set to blue for unclicked, and red for those pictures have a blue border (except for the one I clicked, which is now red)
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Most people do, i personally like Paint Shop Pro, but "to each his own"

You're entitled you your opinion, even if it's wrong. :-P

In response to DBHavenMaster
DBHavenMaster wrote:
Scoobert wrote:
Most people do, i personally like Paint Shop Pro, but "to each his own"

You're entitled you your opinion, even if it's wrong. :-P

That's not an opinion, it's a fact. "I personally like Paint Shop Pro", when stated by someone who likes Paint Shop Pro, is completely undisputable. =P

But pedantry aside, Paint Shop Pro is just as good as Photoshop, but slightly harder to learn to use - and a hell of a lot cheaper! If you're arguing from the point of view of a Paint user, then... don't. Just don't. Please. =P One undo, a limited toolset, no special filter effects, and no support for layers - ugh.
In response to Crispy
Trying to keep the fish from talking? ;P Thanks for pointing that out for me.
In response to Crispy
I like like photoshop. I find it much easier to learn and use. But, I know people who can work wonders in MS-Paint. Cryptic showed me a couple bits of his work, and they were amazing.

In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
DBHavenMaster wrote:
Scoobert wrote:
Most people do, i personally like Paint Shop Pro, but "to each his own"

You're entitled you your opinion, even if it's wrong. :-P

That's not an opinion, it's a fact. "I personally like Paint Shop Pro", when stated by someone who likes Paint Shop Pro, is completely undisputable. =P

But pedantry aside, Paint Shop Pro is just as good as Photoshop, but slightly harder to learn to use - and a hell of a lot cheaper! If you're arguing from the point of view of a Paint user, then... don't. Just don't. Please. =P One undo, a limited toolset, no special filter effects, and no support for layers - ugh.

Actually, he's stating a fact, that happens to be of opinion. Saying that you like something is a fact, but saying you think it's better, or preferable is an opinion. So therefore, it's a fapinion (that sounds pretty cool...). But as far as cost goes, that's not really a problem for me. I just blew up a camera that costs more than Photoshop while making my Bwicki page. Now I have to buy another one :(. Such a sad life I live.

In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
I like like photoshop. I find it much easier to learn and use.


But, I know people who can work wonders in MS-Paint.

By itself?! Impossible. I can work wonders with long as it has a little "touching-up" in Photoshop.

Cryptic showed me a couple bits of his work, and they were amazing.

And he used just MS-Paint?

In response to DBHavenMaster
DBHavenMaster wrote:
Airjoe wrote:
But, I know people who can work wonders in MS-Paint.

By itself?! Impossible.

These were all done in MS Paint, and if I looked off of something, it wasn't an image on the computer. I drew all of these by starting with a blank screen in MS Paint. The only other program I used is a program that makes animated GIFs, and if anything it lowers the quality (I used it because its still better than Paint for making GIFs). (minor variation)
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
One undo, a limited toolset, no special filter effects, and no support for layers - ugh.

Yea, and you actually need some artistic ability to make something decent looking, sheesh =P

By the way, it has three undos, not one. And, most of the tools are useless, I get by with only using one or two of them.
In response to OneFishDown
Nice. It's easy to tell you have the artistic touch. I personally, can't draw worth [censored]. I use Photoshop for website layouts mostly. Paint is pretty good to draw in, but when I have to draw something, I use a pixel editor (like BYONDs, but bigger). I just don't have the patience, or the time to mess with Paint.

In response to DBHavenMaster
Yes it was a fact, there fore it cannot be wrong. Facts are always right. And i did not say Paint Shop Pro is better, but remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And you cannot say that Photo Shop is better than Paint Shop pro, nor could you say the reverse. Now, Photo Shop may work better for you, but it doesnt not for me. Look at OFD, he is the mack with MS Paint. So for him, MS Paint is the best to use. As you can see by my pictures, i can do a lot with Paint Shop Pro, i tryed photo shop, i didnt like it much. And i dont like PSP8, for some reason it is just ugly, probably because all the menus are a little bigger and more expanded so i have less window space, really bugs me when i cant zoom in and see much at all. That is also a problem i had with photo shop, but they may have changed that by now.
In response to OneFishDown
OneFishDown wrote:
Crispy wrote:
One undo, a limited toolset, no special filter effects, and no support for layers - ugh.

Yea, and you actually need some artistic ability to make something decent looking, sheesh =P

That's the same as in any painting program.

By the way, it has three undos, not one.

I could've sworn it had one. Must've been an earlier version.

And, most of the tools are useless, I get by with only using one or two of them.

That's part of my point. =P You HAVE to get by with only one or two, because those are all the useful ones that there are.