I was in my game, then all of a sudden I get this page... Here's how the convo went..

<--(1:56 pm) Dantom's Brother: hi can u hack
-->(1:57 pm) Dantom's Brother: I'm not gonna answer that
<--(2:00 pm) Dantom's Brother: why not
-->(2:01 pm) Dantom's Brother: Because this is the most random page i've ever gotten.
<--(2:03 pm) Dantom's Brother: what if i told u that i was really dantom's brother and i want to learn how to hack and
<--(2:03 pm) Dantom's Brother: other stuff
-->(2:04 pm) Dantom's Brother: FYI... Dantom is two people...
Dan, and Tom... LOL!

I laughed! Hard! I mean... HARD! *still laughs*
Not to mention he also paged Jesus Freak 29 (I think its 19, anyway) asking if JF could hack, because he wanted to hack me and Camaro. This guy has some problems. Maybe dantom could do a full BYOND ban on him?


P.S. Do full BYOND bans also ban the whole IP? That would be good, because then he couldn't terrorize BYONDers on any key. J/W.

Hehe I love how they think people they will fool people with, "what if i told u that i was really dantom's brother and i want to learn how to hack and other stuff"
I think that conversation goes past the point of n00b and really belongs in idiotic. :)
In response to Airjoe
Who knows... But this goes back to a post I made earlier. I gave him my interal IP, and I asked for his. Once again; it was false.

In response to Jnco904
I think the word "n00b" goes way down under to the level of idiotic.

In response to Kunark
Heres a shocker..


you want to learn how to crack properly? any programming book can help.. if you want to be a very competent coder/cracker study it all..
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Heres a shocker..


you want to learn how to crack properly? any programming book can help.. if you want to be a very competent coder/cracker study it all..

for those of you playing the home game: <BUZZ> wrong answer! but thanks for playing!

reading a book on programming is only a small piece of the puzzle.

1) ya gots to find the right language first - not "any" language will do... I dare anyone to find me a "programming book" that teaches you how to crack. it varies widely, depending on what it is you want to crack.

2) cracking involves learning/discovering exploits in a particular system, then building (read "designing/programming/testing") a tool to take advantage of the exploit to gain some level of access into a system.

and this differs from "skript-kiddies" who basically download and/or steal cracking programs in the hopes that they will give them access to a system - of course once they are inside, most of them have no clue what to do beyond what someone else may have shown them.

3) it is not practical to "learn it all" - a competent coder is someone who knows a particular programming language very well (maybe several languages), and can use it to solve the problems or complete the projects presented to her/him. if someone is a competent coder, it is likely that they are making money from those skills and have little need for the "thrill" of cracking. program development itself has it own rewards.
In response to digitalmouse
there are big differences between


and your misinterpretation 'learn it all'
In response to Camaro
How could you give him that false ip. You should make sure he knows that your real ip is!!! :D
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
there are big differences between


and your misinterpretation 'learn it all'

in either context, there is little difference, and your choice of words still does not invalidate my point - studying or learning it all provides no advantages to a coder/cracker.

usually the time it takes to do so is longer than the need for those skills - meaning, if I want to expolit a hole in PHP, I'm not gonna spend the months required to be even marginally competent just to do the exploit (by then a fix would have found) - odds are I will only need to learn just enough, or find the tool/pre-made code to do it for me. but such a direction does not make me a "cracker".

this also applies to coders as well. true developers focus on a small set of technologies in order to bring a project to life as quickly as possible. what's the point of me learning C and Oracle's version of SQL, when I know that PHP and MySQL will to the same just as well, and in certain cases better?

studying it all / learning it all just makes little practical sense. there are certainly no jobs that require this.
In response to Jon88
Yep. If anyone even THINKS they can hack, and try to hack me, my IP is
(little do they know that they end-up hacking themself....if they can hack)

In response to digitalmouse
You can probably do just fine if you wait for Microsoft to announce a fix for an exploit they found in Windows, then find out how to use that knowing that few people would get the updates. Its also nice knowing that servers for large corporations have passwords like "nnnnnn" or "password".
...I think I still have the key SSJDantom.

I wasn't a "n00b" in trying to get people to think I was SSJDantom, I just liked mess with people on the forums. (See [link])
In response to Dracon
Bow before your master!!!!! BOW BEFORE ME!!! MUHAHAHAHA!

All shall bow before me except my arch rival- l33tDantom.
In response to OneFishDown
if i had a large company the passwords would be in some way based on nordic mythology
In response to Kusanagi
Hmmm quite possible. :P
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
if i had a large company the passwords would be in some way based on nordic mythology

now that is smart: announce your account methodology to the world! makes it easier for crackers to get into your system! :p
Camaro wrote:
I was in my game, then all of a sudden I get this page... Here's how the convo went..

<--(1:56 pm) Dantom's Brother: hi can u hack
-->(1:57 pm) Dantom's Brother: I'm not gonna answer that
<--(2:00 pm) Dantom's Brother: why not
-->(2:01 pm) Dantom's Brother: Because this is the most random page i've ever gotten.
<--(2:03 pm) Dantom's Brother: what if i told u that i was really dantom's brother and i want to learn how to hack and
<--(2:03 pm) Dantom's Brother: other stuff
-->(2:04 pm) Dantom's Brother: FYI... Dantom is two people...
Dan, and Tom... LOL!

I laughed! Hard! I mean... HARD! *still laughs*

My Feature Request, Have the ability to be told when someone adds you, and even stop them from adding you if you dont want them to. Like in msn! Less annoying fudge nudgers!
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