finally get some plastic(a credit card) and they removed the dimes system :/ im really mad rite now, i owe tons of ppl dimes
Use paypal.
I know, you owe me 250 dimes.

*Is just looking for a way to make $25.*

In response to Camaro
Camaro wrote:
I know, you owe me 250 dimes.

*Is just looking for a way to make $25.*


Check your wallet!
In response to Sariat
I want $50 =]
In response to Vermolius
Check your wallet!
In response to Sariat
Check YOUR wallet. I just removed everything from it and donated it to Dantom. =P

Seriously though, stop messing with people. I know it's practically all you do, but you're the only one who finds it amusing.

EDIT: Except the people who do find it amusing. I could make comments about maturity <font size=0>(oops, I just did...)</font>, but I won't because that could start a flame war. =D
In response to Crispy
Isn't that the only reason Sariat does it?
In response to Vermolius
I want $50 =)
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Seriously though, stop messing with people. I know it's practically all you do, but you're the only one who finds it amusing.

Actually, I find it amusing.

I wouldn't trust anyone that calls their credit card "plastic". Just kidding... I think.

Paranoid = Yay.

In response to Stimulus
You have a signature. You don't count. ;-)

I find it extremely boring and lame.