Apparently the RIAA is getting pretty nasty to a good portion of its customers!

I'm wondering what in the world possessed the RIAA into thinking this could possibly do any good for thier sales.
Well gee, a website that provides tutorials for using file-sharing programs can't be biased at all! And as for the DSL site, they probably use file-sharing programs too.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Well gee, a website that provides tutorials for using file-sharing programs can't be biased at all! And as for the DSL site, they probably use file-sharing programs too.

Well chances are any source you'll find on the topic is biased, but if the numbers are right it's still pretty bad.
In response to Theodis
I heard about it on MTV news. Sounds pretty harsh, and stupid if you ask me. Do they expect this to really raise theyre sales?
In response to Jotdaniel
Well wise guy, what would YOU do if all your profit was getting sucked away because people could download your services illegally for free?
In response to Garthor
I wouldnt sue potential customers, thats what I wouldnt do. They might start by selling more affordable music, or sell songs individually online. Come on, 15 dollars for a 50 cent peice of plastic, and don't say that that artists would lose money because of it, they wouldnt, they don't make most of their money from the cd's anyway. If they sold cd quality music over the internet I would buy it, even my mom would, shes said so before. I'm not saying they should just sit down and bankrupt, but they're going at this completely wrong.
In response to Jotdaniel
They tried that. Guess what? It didn't work.
In response to Garthor
Who tried what, be more specific.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
They tried that. Guess what? It didn't work.

Apple is making good money off pay-for-download music.
In response to Deadron
Well I knew apple was doing it, but the people at RIAA havent tried it to the best of my knowledge(correct me if im wrong). Also, I would doubt Deadron heres knowledge of the apple workings.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Well I knew apple was doing it, but the people at RIAA havent tried it to the best of my knowledge(correct me if im wrong). Also, I would doubt Deadron heres knowledge of the apple workings.
In response to Deadron
Now see Garthor, who says it cant work? (I actually did read the whole thing Deadron)
In response to Deadron
Sounds like a great deal! I might even use it next time I want to download a song. =)
In response to Crispy
You probly have to use a mac though >_>
In response to Deadron
Hafhafhafhafhaf!?! You would doubt his knowledge of Apple working, well you must be very confused.... Although, the RIAA use the case that its making the artists go broke, thats just B/S. Incase nobody noticed, the artists get ripped off in the music industry. Look at TLC, their first record sold like 60 million albums, they only got 50,000 dollars, they almost filed for bankrupcy after that.

LOL they got Saddaam's two sons yesterday =)
In response to Kusanagi
Mistake on my part, I meant to say I "woudln't" doubt Deadrons knowledge of it. This is why your post confused me so at first.
Umm yes, it seems the RIAA has hired a "l33t" group of SWAT crackheads, those are LAPD Swat Team members who have been retired early for overusing thier medication and beating down minors...

Well they are at my door right now, screaming like a bunch of Arabians who just got new AK-47s... Wait, wait.. a corperate sponsor is now getting out of the black van that pulled up..

He has just chucked a note tied to a brick through my window and drove off, the SWAT crackheads firing at my neighbor's house..

Hmm.. it seems that the note says simply.. "Sent by Metallica" in blood..

Think this is a sign?