I wish Dantom Still sold The Blue Book Beacuse I tried using the free one and I cant learn by just reading from a screen and doing I need to read somthing thats litterally infront of me that I can take everwhere and still read
*Gets a lightbulb over his head*

Print Print Print Print!

Which would be what, 500 pages?


In response to Camaro
Printing would take so long and would use so much paper
In response to Seige1010
Also I dont think my mom would be to happy over the amount of ink it would use up
In response to Seige1010
I was just joking..

In response to Camaro
I have the blue book and i printed it out lol
Why doesnt dantom sell it anymore?
In response to Hendrix
*rolls on the floor laughing*

In response to Hendrix
dont know they coudl us epaypal to sell I know I would by it
In response to Hendrix
How many pages how much ink
In response to Camaro
*kicks camaro and asks him again why cant you get the blue book anymore like the acuall book you can get the full thing online now can't you? But the acuall book is spiffy*
In response to Hendrix
I think I have the paper blue book. I'm not too sure though.

I'd kind of like one, as a matter of fact, I'd buy one tomorrow... tomorrow's payday... but seing as how I can't...
In response to Ter13
Yes I want to buy one
In response to Ter13
Same here.. Payday is tomorrow, but knowing me, I'll be spending it on a girl or my car -_-.

(and I don't mean a prostitue)

In response to Camaro
Man I want the real blue book
In response to Seige1010
i dont know i dont have it with me but not to much ink and like 50 pages well thats what it used to be i use help more than i use the blue book but it does have some good stuff in it
In response to Hendrix
Hmm... I should print the Blue Book out, go to a local printer and have them comb-bine them. That'd be pretty cool.

In response to Camaro
And then you could secretly sell them..Or not shhh toms around here somewere
In response to Hendrix
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