Kunark wrote:
- I NEVER EVER use comments in my games;
In the words of the host of Hollywood Squares when someone makes a dumb move: Maybe that'll work out for you...
There is one case where this can make sense, though -- namely, if the code is comprised of many brief procedures with useful, descriptive names. In other words, the author can take the position that "if a block of code needs a comment, it should be in a separate proc." If that's the case, then the code is essentially self-commenting (though there will still be cases where it's appropriate to add clarifications).
var/evil = 0
if(otherPlayer.evil > evil)
world << "Yikes!"
world << "I am the EVIL MASTER!"
var/averageEvil = (otherPlayer.evil + evil) / 2
evil = averageEvil
otherPlayer.evil = averageEvil
verb/say(T as text)
world << "[src]: [T]"