Aug 4 2003, 4:17 pm
Whats the deal with the Game Maker sponsorship? Arent we meant to be keeping BYOND low on the radar? Im not complaining or anything, Id like to see some more game designers around here.
In response to Deadron
Fair enough, sorry about posting it in the wrong forum. I just assumed since it was questioning Dantom it was a BYOND Q&A.
It's a plan to get better games on byond. The best, or near best game makers get a prize of byond stuff, mostly things to do with coding. The best game makers will win it, and possibly start coding with byond, and possibly make some great games to add to the ones currently on the hub. Or maybe I just think too much. :)
In response to Deadron
It sounds interesting but one problem.
<font face =tahoma>() The people that work with GM will ()\/\/|\| us when they find out about this. -Camaro- |
In response to Camaro
Well I would hope so, if the people at GM were as worthless as the majority of the game designers here I would doubt BYOND would want to sponsor such a thing.
BYOND humors me because as much as they complain about DBZ games and other games of the known n00b genre; it seems very few could make anything better. I know this is an amateur system and such but you would figure there would be at least a handful of good games. So far I can name only 2 or 3 that are any good. I really hope this thing works, I would love to play a good game for once. I even had to resort to try to make my own and I know Im not really that great (I just want something to play, even if it is a little entertaining). I am looking foreward to some good games to play in the near future. Also, I'm sure the solution to our N00B game problems will come with game designers that have a clue what they are doing, especially if they don't complain then procrastinate. ~;)\)3();~ |
In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:
BYOND humors me because as much as they complain about DBZ games and other games of the known n00b genre; it seems very few could make anything better. I know I could make something better - that is, if BYOND weren't lacking a few key features that will hopefully be resolved in the next update. Right-click and text-on-map are two important ones, as well as better macro support. I find it rather hidious that you have to type out verb commands in any game that rightly should have everything done by macros. Even most online RPGs today (besides MUDs) use macros for most of their commands. Some menu bar customization support would be a big plus too. But I personally can't stand to make games if I can't present them in the way I want, and at the moment, BYOND has too many limitations in that area to let me make anything. There are probably a lot of other people waiting for the features in the update before they get into any serious work on their projects. Regardless, lets hope if any GMers are interested in BYOND, they turn out to be the kind of people who actually make games worth playing. |
In response to DarkView
I think it suits BYOND Q&A just fine, personally. It certainly isn't off topic.
In response to NeoHaxor
Thats a little harsh. Its not easy, especially considering most of the people who can make good games have more important stuff to deal with. They are either good at school and require a lot of work to stay good, or have real world responsabilities like jobs.
Also it doesnt help when you know that if you release a good game the masses are going to think its crap because you dont have a level var showing exactly how much better you are then everyone else. The good BYOND games fade out of the spotlight very fast because the only people who appretiate them dont have the time to play. Anyway, I think the solution to the "NOOB game problems" doesnt lay in getting new game designers, it lays in teaching the current DM programmers how to design games. |
In response to Foomer
In the mean time, what kind of games would you like to see, Neo?
In response to DarkView
As far as RPGs go, a lot of people simply don't want to bother because they know that all their hard work will not pay off when their wonderful creation is swarmed by hordes of people who want nothing more than to kill everything in sight and become the most uber powerful around. No, the thought of having people running around shouting "im bettr then u!!!", "ur such a n00b" doesn't inspire me to work on one either.
In response to Foomer
I don't really care what kind of games exist. All I want is a good game, just one. One you can easily get into, have fun but at the same time is a real game. Not one of those games that play for you mostly mind you, but a game where you have to be constantly playing it yourself.
I am looking for something that has any of these elements; Action, Strategy, Character Development (None of that training BS, I mean a Sims kind of character development [But not exact), even something unique would be nice to try for once. I just want an actual "Game", not another chatroom where all you do is powerplay, It's just worthless to build a character that will have no use to you once you are finished. Features such as right-clicking and text on screen (I'm not sure what you mean, but I think DMIFonts may be what you are looking for) are not really that neccessary in building a good game. ~;)\)3();~ |
In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:
Features such as right-clicking and text on screen (I'm not sure what you mean, but I think DMIFonts may be what you are looking for) are not really that neccessary in building a good game. No, I'm not thinking of DMIfonts. I've heard that the update will have built in support for text-on-map, which hopefully will be a lot better than DMIfonts as far as how well BYOND handles it. But I'm not saying that a nice interface is required for a good game, its just that someone like me can't stand to make a game that doesn't have a nice interface. Most of the popular games on BYOND tend to be games like Tanks and Proelium. I can't really think of any examples that fit the description of what you're thinking of though. If you have any to point out, I'd like to see them. |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
There are probably a lot of other people waiting for the features in the update before they get into any serious work on their projects. I don't doubt that this is largely the case. Nevertheless, I implore the developers here to look past the "feature creep" of upcoming updates and try to make progress on their games with the current incarnation of BYOND. Probably the largest design consideration of the system was to allow content to be emphasized over glitz. Obviously this has made our job a bit easier-- not having to worry about 3D graphics and such-- but I also like to believe that it helps developers concentrate on the important game issues ... at least until they wait in anticipation (and perhaps stagnation) for future updates! After a year's break (!) or so, I am once again hard at work on BYOND 4.0. It does indeed have a lot of requested features that should help glitz up games. But glitz is all it adds. So while 4.0 can help polish up a good game (perhaps giving it that "professional touch") it will not be able to salvage a poorly designed game. And, ultimately, coming up with a good game design is the hardest challenge facing developers-- amateur or professional-- today. Since that can be tackled with the current BYOND, I hope none of you shy away. On a final note, I believe there are a number of very good games written for the current system. I'm not even much of a game player, but in the past (maybe even in BYOND/DUNG 1.0), I enjoyed many evenings of fun socializing and playing some of the "party games" here. Get some online buddies together (might I suggest "private" mode) and try a few rounds of Una or Tanks or one of the countless games up on the hub. Even in today's developed Internet, I think such games offer a fairly unique experience-- especially when you can directly submit feedback to the game authors, who not only reside within the community, but possibly in the game session itself! |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I know I could make something better - that is, if BYOND weren't lacking a few key features that will hopefully be resolved in the next update. It's funny...that's been said before, by someone who still didn't make games when the requested features were added. New features always seemed to become required. Right-click and text-on-map are two important ones, as well as better macro support. I find it rather hidious that you have to type out verb commands in any game that rightly should have everything done by macros. Thankfully text on the map is fully doable with DMIfonts. Not using a system that gives you excellent text on the map when you want text on the map...well it flummoxes me. Anyway it's working quite well for the DDT. We're also using macros to great effect...everything in our next game is done with one-character commands, you never have to hit return, etc. But I personally can't stand to make games if I can't present them in the way I want, and at the moment, BYOND has too many limitations in that area to let me make anything. Can't make anything? Wow. Personally, I thought an incredible effort like Kwijibo showed that pretty much whatever you want to do it possible if you put in the thought and effort. There are probably a lot of other people waiting for the features in the update before they get into any serious work on their projects. Um, who? My observation is that there are people who make games with what they have, using creative decisions to get around limitations, and there are people who don't make games. In the time I've been with BYOND it's probably tripled or quadrupled in features...yet that set of people remains the same. Regardless, lets hope if any GMers are interested in BYOND, they turn out to be the kind of people who actually make games worth playing. I agree with you there! |
The opportunity came up, it was decided it was more important to build a relationship with a complementary system than to worry about other stuff.