
by IchiroKeisuke
Open Source RPG

I have been thinking about trying this experiment for awhile now - a project that is 100% open source from the start, on BYOND. Every developer that is interested in working on this project, can!

I am generally an open-source advocate. I love Linux and I enjoy open-source technology in general.

I believe that open-source, if done properly, offers some benefits over a more closed development approach:

  • A longer lifeline
  • Community oriented development
  • Higher quality code
  • Freedom to fork and modify
  • Reliability

Open source is peer reviewed software, which leads to more reliability. The infrastructure of the Internet is largely composed of open-source programs such as DNS, sendmail, Apache and languages such as HTML and Perl. They have proven to be both reliable and robust under the most strenuous conditions, namely the fast growth of the Internet.

If you would like to start contributing, great!

GitHub Source :

The theme is currently : Action RPG (PvP)

If you would like to suggest ideas on how to improve the execution of this project, go here :

Thanks for taking a look at sage!

Good work! I think ill contribute!
Seems like a good idea. I wouldn't mind helping out too.
In response to Evi of au
Thank you :3
In response to Avidanimefan
That's awesome.

The overall goal of this project is to provide a project that everyone on BYOND can contribute to :3