The scientists exited the main entrance to their lab. They'd done it! The impossible! They've mixed the genetics of two well-known people from a small online community, and created them as one! The scientists decided to release a picture of their creation to this certain online community.

Is that... I can't belive it... DigitalMouse... Spuzzumized?
If you have an advanced graphics editing device and such, I suggest doing this:

Darkening mousy's face;
and combining spuzzum's face with digitalmouse's, to create a horrifying mix! Ever watch conan? If you do, that's the kind of stuff I mean.
In response to Kunark
/me fires up Photoshop.

Off to work.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
If you have an advanced graphics editing device and such, I suggest doing this:

Darkening mousy's face;
and combining spuzzum's face with digitalmouse's, to create a horrifying mix! Ever watch conan? If you do, that's the kind of stuff I mean.

now that is just scary...