In response to Hedgemistress
Wellll ^_^ Whatever, hehe ^^ Its not going to be a big part of a game, just a little something if you want to make that really really evil character ^^
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
I'm not sure which group making an anime-style online game falls into.
Probably both.

That's almost funny. Like I haven't that kind of cynical, stereotypical remark before. Just trying to be cute, eh? Well... knock it off.

On another note- Hurray for having bad days and taking it out on other people!
In response to Dracon
Hedgemistress wrote:
I'm not sure which group making an anime-style online game falls into.
Probably both.

I'm trying to stop myself using the dreaded laughing acronym, but here I go anyway: LOL!

Dracon wrote:
Hurray for having bad days and taking it out on other people!

Hurray! Three cheers for Dracon having bad days! Er, that didn't come out like I meant it to... =P
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