I am wandering what some of you are up to. If you are working on a project, post some info about it here. I would like to hear about some of them.
Well, if your game has the words, "DBZ, "Pokemon", "Yu-Gi-Oh", or "Dragon Warrior" in them, I'm sorry, I don't want to hear about them :P
![]() Aug 16 2003, 2:27 pm
Castle of the Winds Online. Coming to a hub page near you whenever splattergnome finishes the random dungeon code. :P
Although it's still far from finished CotW Online will probably see more hosting(or any hosting) soon and more frequent updates. |
Kunark wrote:
Well, if your game has the words, "DBZ, "Pokemon", "Yu-Gi-Oh", or "Dragon Warrior" in them, I'm sorry, I don't want to hear about them :P http://www.mallahanproductions.com/dwo A game with the words "Dragon Warrior" in the title that's worth hearing about. Check out the older news posts for screenshots of the new version. As a side note--- don't take all of the Dragon Warrior games on BYOND as an example of what Dragon Warrior is. I've seen one or two other Dragon Warrior games on BYOND being made by people who have actually played the real games. Most other "Dragon Warrior" games are made by annoying kids who are too lazy to make their own graphics. |
You have your work cut out for you tonight(considering the assignment do tommorow as at the end of your to do list) :p
I'm currently working on a legend of zelda game. I'm trying to emulate the feel of the original games. Macros for attacking, multi function macros. Primary attack(x) swings your sword(if its eqquiped), or performs a spin attack if you have it charged up), or if your facing a treasure chest, it opens up the treasure chest. Secondary attack uses whatever accessory item you have equipped. I'm trying for the whole verbless interface(while removing usr from all of the procs programmed by my co-worker). Seeing as each zelda game has a gimmick(special item, does something cool), weve got one of those planned as well. I've been able to use some of my demos that I've created and never had a use for(multi tiled stat meters, and recently(unreleased) simple text display on the hud).
In short, yes, it is a fan-game, but I hope you know me well enough by now to know im not going to release something half-assed. |
I have played DWO, and you did a great job on it, I pretty much just listed some of the annoying fan-game types in unpublished games :P
I've been doing so many assignments over the past week that I'm completely sick of them. So I'm just going to cop the flak from my teacher. I'll probably do it on the afternoon after it's due, there's only a 5% per day late penalty. =)
im an in the process of making a counter-strike type game for byond. Even though i dont know how most of the mechanics are going to work yet, this is one porject that im going to be dedicated to.
Last year I released TextMUD 2.0. Since then I've realized that it leaves a lot to be desired, so I've completely rewritten it. The new version, called TextMUD 2b, will probably be out this week! It's very near completion and has gone through about a week of testing public and private. It's got great new functionality and improvement on a lot of systems that lacked in the other version. Look for it soon!
-LoW |
Kunark wrote:
I am wandering what some of you are up to. Does that include me? I hope so, because you're going to hear from me anyway. >:) If you are working on a project, post some info about it here. I would like to hear about some of them. I've just started on a new project that uses its own client (written in Delphi) which interprets the BYOND map and other data to make a non-DS interface that I can customize. I want to make somesort of online roguelike/RPG game with it, but my dedication is - as always - in question. If you'd like to take a peak at it, just drop me a line. Maybe it will boost my motivation a bit. |
Right next to DWO, there is Final Fantasy Legacy (FFL). The new version will wipe the floor with most Final Fantasy games, and it will finally feature balanced classes and easier monsters at the beginning, and much, much, much more to come. We're pretty darn close to finishing the Alpha, after this version everything will be pretty much implemented coding wise. All of it will come soon enough, do not fret, we just like to keep everything a surpise :D.
Not sure if it's much to look forward to, but as soon as I get the next BYOND website upgrade out the door, I'll be finishing up my revamped version of Hog. New slick and professional interface, all original 3D dice, original sounds, new subscriber features, etc. Oldtimers may remember the original version, which is still around to play and still just as fun. I just never bothered to submit it to a hub channel because it lacks that professional polish. Hopefully in about 2 weeks it'll be done...
Sample screen shot of the new version here. The coolest part, though, is the roll animation. After that, I have a little utility in mind that's been needed desperately here for quite some time now. If I have my way with this, it'll be a tool to help troubleshoot hosting problems due to firewalls. |
Well, of course, there is my upcomming game I am trying to work on that can be viewed a bit on my page at http://bwicki.byond.com?NeoHaxor
~; ){en )3ishop ;~ |
Kunark wrote:
I am wandering what some of you are up to. If you are working on a project, post some info about it here. I would like to hear about some of them. The DDT is working on a civilization-style game, and Gazoot and I have been tossing around some ideas for an RPG while Guy is on vacation. Today I wrote up an insanely ambitious overview...the good news is that it could be done incrementally. The RPG combines the best of all the MMOGs I've played, and a few from RTS games, with some new twists. In addition I have a Quest library ready to roll out when Guy returns to the helm at BYONDscape. Just need to write an article to go along with it. |
Looks like my RPG team's going to get some compitition >:D
Not that that is a bad thing, hehe. I would love to see some RPGs that were made after the person is experienced. |
Well, there are two games that I am currently developing. One is a fantasy RPG loosely based on DBZ/YYH (similar concept as in Ki attacks, martial arts), but it will be original in all other aspects.
The other is a tactical 3rd-person shooter based on Infantry Online. |
Now hold up, before you go "Oh christ its Maniack, *click*" Hear me out.. ^_^ Just check out the preview to my game The Great Wars: Senka-No-Howaido-Akuma.. Totally original in EVERY aspect.. A soon to be MMORPG that is focused on keeping the storyline going, so no "Hey go kill this for me please!".. RP fans will fall in love with what I've done to keep RP'ers and Non-RP'ers seperate..
Let me just say that my game is based off an idea for an anime I've been cooking up.. I tried to make this game have more of a feudal Japanese style to it, and less of a fantasy RPG feel.. Heres a little background to my game: You are a lost soul who died many years ago, who is charged by Koenma-Sama (Using religious figures, not YuYu Hakusho :P) to return to Earth. You are not given much information, but you are given a name of a demon you are supposed to seek out.. "Maniakku".. Before you ask too many questions you are sent back to Earth.. Heres what you can look forward to in my game: Many many quests that help push the storyline OR create a little side story to feast on.. Over 15 different villages and towns to visit. Different classes to JOIN, thats right you dont start out as something, you have to work for it :P For the masochists, you can show your enemies how ruthless you are by hanging bodies from trees or decapitating them and leaving thier heads on a rock.. How you play decides how your story goes.. play as evil and be treated as evil.. play as good and be treated as good.. Anime style races like Neko-chan! (Half Cat) Only available using spells or potions.. ^_^ Have to start out as a regular old human.. dang huh? ----------------------------------------------------------- While I could go on and on and on about it, I'm done taking up Dantom's bandwith, so ^_^ I hope you play my game and I'm always up for CONSTRUCTIVE critisism.. ^_^ (edit) Here check out the game yourself http://games.byond.com/hub/MaNiAcK/ TheGreatWarsSenaka-No-Howaido-Akuma |
For the masochists, you can show your enemies how ruthless you are by hanging bodies from trees or decapitating them and leaving thier heads on a rock.. Point of order: reveling in cruelty to others is "sadism." "Masochism" is reveling in cruelty towards yourself. I'm not sure which group making an anime-style online game falls into. Probably both. |
Then I need to update Yahtzee (My sanity! The bug fixes, they do nothing!). Then I need to finish a couple of BYONDscape articles and at least one of my two experiments which could be turned into BYONDscape libraries. Then I need to go play Starscape, remembering to save often. Then I need to finish my secret PHP/database project. Then I need to work on my Delphi game. Then I need to finish that assignment for Genetics that's due tomorrow. Then...
Well, you get the idea. =)