There are players who've asked me for technical specifications about the game; how things are calculated, battle calculations, items, etc. Here I will post just a few elements which are happening in the background while you are playing Pokemon BlueFire.
This is just a copy+paste from the personal PBF info I have:
Pokemon BlueFire v3.4
Technical Specs:
Battle System specs:
-Damage Calculation formula:
(100 + ATTACK + 12 + 17) + (MOVE - DEFENSE / 1.25) + (2 / 2 + RBV) * (STAB) / (MOD 1) * (MOD 2)
ATTACK = is the attack power the attacking Pokemon has.
MOVE = is the power the move itself has.
DEFENSE = is the defense power the attacked Pokemon has.
RBV = is a random value, usually from 0 to 20
STAB = if the attacking Pokemon's type is same as the move's type this value is same as 1.15, if not
is 1.
MOD 1 = this modifier takes place when the Pokemon being attacked
is equipped with a Courage Badge and has less and a quarter of their
HP, which in that case MOD 1 = 2. If it is not, then it's same as 1.
MOD 2 = this modifier defines whenever the attack being used is a super
effective, not very effective or normal damage. In case of a super effective
this MOD 2 = 2 or 4; in case of a non very effective MOD 2 = 1.5 or 1.25. In
case of a normal damage MOD 2 = 1. This modifier can also be zero if
the move's type does not affect the Pokemon's type.
Note 1: if the damage in question is zero or a negative number, the damage will be a random number
between 1 to 15.
Note 2: this damage calculation is not used for survival mode challenges.
-Stamina Consumption:
Everytime your Pokemon attacks, the stamina goes down depending on the move's Power, Accuracy
and a hidden value called MSV. Usually, the MSV value for most attacks is 100. To calculate how
much stamina the move your Pokemon is going to use will consume, the formula goes like this:
Note: the EB value is same as 1, unless your Pokemon is equipped with the
Element Badge, which in that case EB would be same as 2.
Stat specs:
-Individual Values (IVs):
These are hidden values that are given to every Pokemon when received. These
IVs become read-only values as soon as they are given to the Pokemon.
There is a total of 6 IV values for each Pokemon: Attack, Defense, Health,
Special Attack, Special Defense and PvP Speed. The IV for Health is a random value from 7.0 to 10.9;
the IV for PvP Speed is a value from 0 to 5. The value for all other IVs is a number
from 5.0 to 8.9.
The following calculations will help you understand a little bit better how IVs are use
to determine your Pokemon stats where HEALTH means the HP of the Pokemon, ATT means either
its Attack or Special Attack, DEF means either its Defense or Special Defense and PS means PvP Speed:
HEALTH = 1000 + (Health IV (Level - 3))
ATT = 50 + (Attack or Sp. Attack IV (Level - 3))
DEF = 20 + (Defense or Sp. Defense IV (Level - 3))
PS = 5 + (PvP Speed IV (Level - 3))
-Effort Values (EVs):
These are hidden values that start off as zero and are increased using "Base" items.
EVs increase a specific stat value depending on which "Base" item you are using
on your Pokemon. The EV value does not required a complicated calculation; it just
adds the EV value to the corresponding stat.
-Stamina Value:
Your Pokemon's stamina uses a simple calculation as it follows:
STAMINA = 1000 + (38 (Level - 3))
Recovery Items Specs:
Light Potion = restores your Pokemon's HP 1/4 of its max HP.
Super Potion = restores your Pokemon's HP 1/3 of its max HP.
Hyper Potion = restores your Pokemon's HP half of its max HP.
Full Restore = restores your Pokemon's HP to full.
Magic Potion(unobtainable) = restores your Pokemon's and ally's HP to full.
Light Energizer = restores your Pokemon's stamina by 500.
Super Energizer = restores your Pokemon's stamina by 750.
Hyper Energizer = restores your Pokemon's stamina by 900.
Mega Energizer = restores your Pokemon's stamina by 1500.
Max Energizer = restores your Pokemon's stamina to full.
Magic Energizer(unobdainable) = restores your Pokemon's and ally's stamina to full.
Mineral Juice = restores your Pokemon's HP and stamina to full.
Health Bomb(unobtainable) = restores your Pokemon's and ally's HP and stamina to full.
Stinky Spray(unobtainable) = makes NPC Pokemon uncomfortable when they approach to you, this lasts
for a while.
![]() Jul 10 2015, 12:21 pm (Edited on Oct 4 2019, 1:17 pm)
![]() Oct 4 2019, 1:16 pm
Under Damage Calculation formula (Note 1), when the damage is 0 or a negative number, the value was set on a range between 1 -3. Starting on PBF version 4.4, this range is set to 1 - 15.