I know its pretty old news that Square and Enix have become Square-Enix, but what do you think about it?
I think its a sign of the times. Its pretty dissapointing too. I would probably have prefered to see Square and Enix fall. Just so they could show the world they made their marks, they held their ground, and they left the same way they came into it.
I dunno though, I just read the Top 25 Square games over at Final Fantasy Online (www.ffonline.com) so Im feeling a little emotional. So many good memories... (It made me remember how much fun Secret of Mana multiplayer was... modems kill multiplayer! =P)
![]() Aug 25 2003, 5:03 pm
![]() Aug 25 2003, 5:04 pm
History repeats itself.. Everything great eventuially ends.. Square is no exception to this.
Dreq wrote:
History repeats itself.. Everything great eventuially ends.. Square is no exception to this. People like to drag up tired old cliches in order to give themselves a false sense of wisdom. Incidentally, Square isn't an exception to this, either--I remember that in the introduction to either Secret of Mana or Final Fantasy 3 (6), can't remember which, it describes how this big war was fought and screwed everything up, yadda yadda yadda, then one of the ending notes is "But time flows like a river... and history repeats itself..." Just to get this straight here, what kind of wacked-up Escher river are we talking about? |
The one that takes a lot more to explain, but saying something in japanese takes much less memory than in english. They have to cut out some things and that probably wasn't thought of as very important.
You didn't have to be rude about it. And I am not trying to make myself out to be some wise elder. I am simply saying that I see that happenening everywhere, and that squaresoft wasn't an exception to that. A few of the great things that died (at least they were great to me) were the Sierra adventure series', Odyssey Online, the SNES, the Final Fantasy Series, the freecraft project, text adventures, and others i don't feel like remembering now. The point is, times change, people change, and things die. Its not widom, its a fact of life. Square started small, became great, used all of its great ideas, and then fell into nil.. merging with Enix to keep its company from totally dissapearing from the radar.
I like it. Enix produces excellent games and so does Square. I think they did it though because in a couple years FFXII will be released and that will be the last one. FF is thier biggest game so I think they'd be out of ideas and need to come up with something new but Enix still has the Star Ocean series which might not be as popular as FF but is definitly of the same or better quality.
Yep, everything keeps repeating. Small company group of people have an idea. They work on said idea. Big company buys them out or forces them to stop working on their idea. Big company, if they bought them, has them work on that idea a little bit longer. Big company forces them to stop working on their idea. Big company fires most of them, or transfers them to different project. Idea is never worked on again. Square and Enix probably just don't want to be bought out by someone like Microsoft.
I'll tell you what I think.. DONT BUY UNLIMITED SAGA from Square Enix.. that game is so terrible it hurts not only my wallet but also my pride.. To think a company that has made great games like Romance Saga and Saga Frontier could make such a horrifingly terrible game.. -_- Its just sad..