After Posting a Message In the Code Problem about what might be wrong with my code that would keep freezing my linux server (and I'm very sure it's not a loop), They Went and put it in the newbie section, as if it was the easiest answer in the world! well THEN! I've Asked about 300 People and countless times on the forum and do you know what? NO ONE KNOWS! If They're goign to put it in the dam newb section then They should have a reason to do so, oh and it WAS in the right place! I was going to get a reference to what might be the problem and then look for that and then paste it, just cause they're no code from the first post doesn't mena it isn't a code problem! ARG! I would be very happy if someone talked to this staff member who did so, because Frankly, I'm Very annoyed with many byond staff members and the byond Software! If Anyone here knows the answer to my question Please answer in Code Problems where it says server Hanging in Linux [moved to newbie central!] Unless I see Every single person give me an answer that is correct then I dno't believe it's a newb question!

Sorry For Being All Mad and Suddle but I thought it was time somebody should answer my question and actually give me some respect! My Game is one of the only DBZ games that isn't a zeta Rip! I'm no newb! ARG!

Sorry Again For that Last part and I just keep getting more madder and madder so I'm going to shutup now!
Code Problems if for where you have posted ACTUAL CODE. If you have a BYOND-related problem, you don't post code with it and it's not a bug with the BYOND software suite itself malfunctioning, it gets to go to Newbie Central.
In response to Jon88
I made a point earlier that I was GOING to post the code once I get a reference to where it might be!
In response to SquallX7
And How Do I know there's No Problem with the byond software! READ THIS!
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Do you see any bugs? No!
In response to SquallX7
Im guessing thats your log? Or do people constantly log in and out of your game?
In response to SquallX7
SquallX7 wrote:
I made a point earlier that I was GOING to post the code once I get a reference to where it might be!

Then wait to post it, or post it somewhere else. Seems easy enough to do. Posts without code don't get left in Code Problems; the ones that do are a very very rare exception.

Lummox JR
You said you were annoyed with the Staff and Software of BYOND. But you forgot one small thing...IT'S FREE! Therefore you shouldn't expect everyone to bow down to you and make the perfect software for you, and to treat you personally with everyone of your little problems! Get over yourself!


[Edit] You also said, because you're the only person making a non-rip DBZ game, you're not a newb. Well that's wrong! You are not the ONLY person! (I am making a non-rip game which is RTS, and I know several other people as well!) And also, just because you are making a non-rip game, doesn't mean you're not a newb! If I put my 5-year-old brother on here, told him to title his game DBZ, and write some **** code, does that make him not a newb as well?
Unless I see Every single person give me an answer that is correct then I dno't believe it's a newb question!

Sorry For Being All Mad and Suddle but I thought it was time somebody should answer my question and actually give me some respect! My Game is one of the only DBZ games that isn't a zeta Rip! I'm no newb! ARG!

According to the Forum history - you've only asked this question once. So I'm not sure how you got the idea that you have asked the question so many times... and 300 people is a bit of an exageration eh? I doubt there are 300 people you know in BYOND who are actually interested in your project.

But that is beside the point. As stated before, Code Problems is where you post snippets of code so that people can help you with your problem. You did not do that (yet), and there is nothing in that post that says you will do it anytime soon. It's not a bug with BYOND that we know of yet (no-one else who runs a linux box is having that problem, and you have not provided code that might point to an issue with BYOND itself), and it is not OffTopic material really since it deals with BYOND programming, and it's not for BYOND Q&A necessarily. So the Newbie Section is where it goes. Not all questions here are strictly newbie questions - many people who have been here for a while use this area to get quick answers to programming questions.

Instead of wasting time and forum space complaining about it, your best bet is to narrow down the problem somehow - a common approach is to insert output statements, like outputting variable values, or simple statements like "entering save routine for <player>/exiting save routine for <player>" that get outputted to the screen and/or an external log file. Sprinkle such statements in each function or object in your code, and you can watch the program go through the motions. Yeah it might slow the whole game down, but you are nearly garraunteed to discover where the problem might be hiding, or atleast give you more clues as to where to look.

Logging everything that every player is doing will help too, as it will tell what they were doing at the time of the crash...

Another alternative is to pass the game on to someone else who can test it out for you. (you have said you tried it on a friends machine, but did it crash in the same amount of time in the exact same manner?)

Fourth possibility is to cripple your program bit by bit - meaning: remove a function or feature, or "turn it off" in some manner so that it cannot be used by the players (assuming you have designed things in such a way as to make this possible - if not, you might consider re-writting the game to allow you to do just that). Remove or turn-off something, play the game for a while (5 hours or more), if it still crashes, then remove something else and try again. This is a more tedious approach, but the moment your game does not crash, you'll pretty much know where to look for the problem.
In response to SquallX7
Maybe because that's not code? Did you think it could be a bug in the games source?
In response to Jotdaniel
ok, now I'm confused, you all made very good points, but many didn't make sence, I agree that I should have waited to post the code but I Don't think "maybe it's not a problem with coding, maybe it's a problem with the game's source" is well said... first of all the game's source IS the coding, and unless your referring to Byond then It doesn't make much sence...
In response to Gokuss4neo
sorry, I said ONE of the only... Please do not accuse me of what's not there...
In response to digitalmouse
Well, It wasn't an exageration, because I had seriously posted it on dozens of Byond or other programming forums with Byond Categories and I have asked over 300 people, Through Mass Paging, countless times, But I do agree with you that I was a bit rash and You must realise that I was getting frustrated, have you ever worked on a project for over a year and then it just has this one thing that you need to get rid of but no matter what you can't get rid of it? It's like an itch that you can't scratch! It just gets me stressed out and I just gotta take a break, but I didn't yesterday and erupted in a burst of Anger, I am sorry for any chemical or biological harm but you have to realise, I'm a human, and I have feelings of stress and anger, can you honostly say yourself you've never gotten angry before?
In response to SquallX7
Mass pages are very annoying, I normally ban anyone who page-all's me if I don't know them.
In response to SquallX7
Was that a log file of entry and exit messages?
In response to SquallX7
lol i dont like byond staff neather

that why i left byond and went to C++


you can make anything ya want with c++

that whayt i think you should do forget byond and go to c++

here are some turtoreals to make you a C++ expert lol not really the just explane the basics
In response to Blades
that why i left byond and went to C++


you can make anything ya want with c++

No way C++ sucks and is completly limiting since you don't have direct control of the machine code! That's why I switched to ASM, but that wasn't good enough since I was limited by the CPU op code list! So now I just hardwire everything with circuits cause that's the only way to go for completle power!
In response to Jotdaniel
Yep. Consider yourself genuinely lucky if you ask questions through a page-all and get a good response.
In response to Jon88
Not a rip? Not a rip? Arg! Arg Aiiieieiei!!

(At this point shades rips off his hair and hits himself in the groin with a ball pin hammer)

I havent seen your game, but if it looks the same, plays the same, or has the same idea it is a rip. It dosent matter if you have freash ideas or not. Im so tired of this. I was reading your post seriously til you said "Not a rip"

Sorry I prolly didnt help you. Matter of fact Im a Linux Hater. ;)
Here's another reason to hate BYOND Staff: This topic has run out of any alleged value it had.