I am starting a contest referring to the contest discussion going on in Q&A.
http://developer.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_read&id=210948&forum=1&view=0
The Contest
The contest will attempt to bring a new generation of quality games to BYOND. The contest will end on January 1st, starting today. Fangames will not be allowed, thus bringing a range of new games.
There will be a five judge team. They will each vote for 5 games. The game with the the most votes will win.
The judges votes will be combined, and the person with the most overall points will win. Prizes will be given to 2nd and 3rd place winners also.
Prizes have yet to be decided. As soon as we get some, I will update this. What more could you ask for, but respect?
1. All games will be allowed, even those previously started.
2. If you are working in a team, the prize will be split between the team members.
3. Originality is a must. Sequels are allowed, but only from original games.
4. All submissions must be in the Contest channel be in by January 1st. Anything after that will not be accepted.
5. Judges may not compete.
6. Please Please PLEASE! No Zetas! All graphics and coding should be original. Premade sounds will be alright.
I hope you all enter and enjoy this contest! Post if you enterering, or willing to judge etc. You do not have to post to be in the contest, but have the game submitted in
the contest channel.
-- Tiko
![]() Sep 1 2003, 5:23 pm (Edited on Sep 2 2003, 12:08 pm)
Lol, I agree with on some of the things. I'll get it changed later, but I've got to go at the moment.
-- Tiko |
Please reply here to become a judge. Judges, or any member in their immediate family, may not enter. Thank you.
-- Tiko |
Please post here if you would like to donate for the prize. Maybe Gughunter could do a years subscription to BYONDscape, or the store could provide some clothing items...Anyways, reply here!
-- Tiko |
Please post here if you are planning to enter the contest. It is not required, however. All you have to do is put your game in the Contests channel by January 1st.
We would like to see who's entering ^-^ BTW, I will be entering also, so I won't be a judge. -- Tiko |
They outway original games too much... Making it original only is a good way to go to promote originality.
Clothing sucks. I would just go with subscribtions to games, or dig out of your own wallet or get donations to use as prize money (Not front entries, but from people who want to help.). I will enter a game that will be finished by that time if the prize is something I will like.
I suggest making it so only new games are accepted, though, because if not then it could promote laziness and you'll just get a bunch of already finished games etc. Also, DO NOT do like Gughunter did with the one BYONDscape contest... If people worked hard to make a game, if no games are complete by the deadline, either have them do the unfinished games as entries or set the deadline to later to give people time to finish. |
Well I'm up for it. I will be entering my current project "Illusions of Genesis" into the contest. It has yet to be released and is still in a non-playable state, It definately wont be ready until late December though. It is an orignal game, but no worries (I forgot that Dracon once had a game called "DBZ: Genesis" and I have been hassled for the name ever since... but I assure you it will have nothing to do with the DBZ fan-game).
If there is an entrance fee, just tell me where to put it. ~; ){en )3ishop ;~ |
I created this Bwicki page to keep people up-to-date on contest guidelines and to make it easier for contests in the future. Just edit anything you feel fit to change. It will be much easier to keep track of a contest page than a post in the Forum. Who knows, maybe the BYOND page designer will be nice and put a temporary link to it somewhere on the site where it can be easily accessed. ~; ){en )3ishop ;~ |
Well, since you don't seem to want to make it new games only, here is my submition:
http://developer.byond.com/hub/Kunark/Dementophobia It will definately be finished by the end of the year considering it has had quite a few months work on it already. If anyone would like to suggest things to it, it would be helpful. If you want to test out the battle system and stuff go into multiplayer, then to the "CAI" level... This game can be VERY fun if enough people are playing, and I am trying to enhance the experience single player, though I have to give all of the demons different personalities to fit their moves and such. |
There's the link for the submission. Submit your game here when ready, and you will be included in the competition! All entries MUST be here. Thanks! -- Tiko |
Hey, could someone submit something to the channel to see if it's working right? That'd be great if someone did.
-- Tiko |
^^ Weee.. good.. see you all January.. I'm definantly entering in my game. ^^ I'm hoping to see a lot of competition..
<small> I am starting a contest referring to the contest discussion going on in Q&A.
http://developer.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_read&id=210948&forum=1&view=0
The Contest
The contest will attempt to bring a new generation of quality games to BYOND. The contest will end on January 1st, starting today. Fangames will not be allowed, thus bringing a range of new games.
There will be a five judge team. They will score the game in 5 categories.
(from NeoHaxor's scoring method)
I liked the idea of judges selecting their 3 favorite entries, and deciding winner from tallying up the votes... It would work better than a points system
Prizes have yet to be decided. As soon as we get some, I will update this. What more could you ask for, but respect?
The $5 entrance fee thing seemed to catch on rather well.
1. The game must be new. No projects that have been started may enter, although exceptions will be made.
You should allow projects that were previously started to be entered, especially the big ones that we are currently working on. I know I wouldn't drop a big project to work on a competition one.
<small>2. The games should be made by a single person. Asking for help is alright. Teams are discouraged, but will be allowed.
This shouldn't matter, it would just mean royalties being split.
<small>3. Originality is a must. Sequels are allowed, but only from original games.
I agree with this fully.
<small>4. All submissions must be in the Contest channel be in by January 1st. Anything after that will not be accepted.
That sounds too soon to get anything too big released, I'd give it an extra month.
<small>5. Judges may not compete.</small>
Sounds fair to me.
<small>6. Original icons!!! Any editted Zeta icons, and the game will be docked of their Graphics points. Sorry.
Not everyone is a graphics wiz like yours truely, the competition should be more focused on the actual game than the look, although appearance usually aids in a good game.
<small>I hope you all enter and enjoy this contest! Post if you enterering, or willing to judge etc. You do not have to post to be in the contest, but have the game submitted in the contest channel.
We should wait until you decide on how to run this perfectly first, you should make a webpage that holds information based on it, where to submit things and all that good stuff. (Although I'm sure it'd be better if a trusted BYOND official administrated this)
~; ){en )3ishop ;~