Does anyone use a different color scheme for their DM code? I personally prefer black BG with neon green text. (Has nothing to do with the matrix, I just like it)
I DO!!!!! *raises hand* I use a black BG, green-ish blue text... and a consortium of other colors for the other things(keywords, text strings, etc...)

Resonating Light
In response to Resonating_Light
I do also, I can usually be found using a black BG and a white font, and the links and such would be black to so I dont have to look at them, (they are ugly). Either that or I go with an off brown/orange BG, actually to be quite frank it looks like wood, so dont think eew broun. And the text is black with Links and such in black two. These are two of my favourtie combos, mind you green on black is great to.
My colour scheme: id:204783
I use a slight variation of the default...

The only change I made is changing the comment color to bright red... I like it to stand out a bit more from the rest... Mostly because I frequently use comment lines as headers in my code files to separate different sections to make it easier to scroll through the page and find what I'm looking for... So they need to stand out from the other colors... Red does the trick...