In response to Tom
I could release Dan to help you, but then again, I could just force him to work on the whim that he won't be fed if he doesn't...hmm, choice is yours, Tom.
In response to Kujila
That movie is a terrific example of why having random success in games is bad. :oP
As trivial as this may be, there is now a poorly-hosted backup copy of "BYOND 4.0!!!" available here. (

I would greatly appreciate it if you tried the original link first, though.

Thank you,

In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
Now we're working on putting something out for this year.

You've got just over three months left! If it's not out by Christmas, there'll be trouble! ;-)

Sure you don't need any extra powers to help you out? *gets out his copy of Freedom Force* Now, where did I put that canister of Energy X...?
In response to Tom
You'll be able to make custom windows, popup menus, and the like.

In response to Tom
"Tom wrote:"

O_O;;;;;; -glares at the wonderfulness of it all-
In response to Kunark

You'll be able to make custom windows, popup menus, and the like.


Yeah, that'll be pretty cool! ^_^

In response to Karasu Kami
Karasu Kami wrote:
"Tom wrote:"

O_O;;;;;; -glares at the wonderfulness of it all-

No, you're thinking of Dan, He's the half that's only posted once this year.
In response to Foomer
And even then, speculation is rife on whether it was actually Tom on Dan's key...
In response to Foomer
No, you're thinking of Dan, He's the half that's only posted once this year.

awww ruined it all for
In response to Tom
No need to jump out of any windows in anticipation!

No, no, let's not discredit that option just yet. I figure we could make a great profit from it. "Hi there, my name is Jeremy Gibson, and I'm collecting pledges for the release of the 4.0 version of the BYOND software. I'll jump out of a fiftieth storey window, and you pledge money based on how many centimetres my grey matter will splatter when I hit the concrete! 10 cents per centimetre? Thank you, ma'am!"
Kujila wrote:
I know everyone's expectations for BYOND 4.x are very high, but what if we are inadvertently driving people mad?

Don't understand what I mean?

This animation should clear it up for you,...


Don't know if you have ever been asked this before but. What tools do you use to make these movie things? I'm kind of intrested in making movies.
In response to Green Lime
It's Flash. Basically, that means you have to get a copy of Macromedia's Flash program in order to do anything with it.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
It's Flash. Basically, that means you have to get a copy of Macromedia's Flash program in order to do anything with it.

Which basically means you need an extra 500 bucks or so to throw around before you can consider it. (Last I checked, anyway.)
In response to Foomer
In response to Crispy
Actually, I'm way too cheap to shovel out 500 for Flash MX, so I use "SWiSH 2.0" instead, even though I have access to Flash...

Although SWiSH is not nearly powerful as Flash, you can make easy text effects, and as you've seen, short animations.

And unlike Flash, a single user liscense costs only $50.00

Of course, by using not using Flash, you may be criticized for taking "the easy way" and not learning Flash ^_^

But hey, I'm not out to get a Grammy award, I just spend a few hours making cheezy little cartoons with SWiSH and MsPaint!

Good job! I laughed out loud at some points.
Lmfao! That ending was funny as hell! I was laughing out loud here. Good job. XD

QUICK!!! Someone jump out a window, maybe it will be released then.
In response to Blueseed15
Ya, I can see the headlines now...

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