(From TomB)
Lummox JR wrote:
I think next I might try to figure out exactly how .dmi files are formatted, then try to make a utility to convert .bmp files directly .dmi.
Ooh, don't dig around in the .dmi binary file; that's just asking for headache! I can provide the format if you want, but it might be easier to just provide a utility since the dmi uses some "weird" compression that isn't that easy to follow. Come to think of it, I may even have this utility in the archives somewhere, as another user requested such a thing in the past. I can look into that once get this next release behind us this week.
FYI, the format will be changing to support larger sizes and 24-bit color, but that's at least a few months down the line. Ideally I wish we could just use a standard format for everything, but because of the need for directions we needed something customized. We'll at least support PNG fairly soon so that movies can be imported with ease.
And remember, in the map editor at least you shouldn't have to go through dmis at all if you just want to input large bitmaps. Just assign the bmp to the large object of choice (generally a turf or an area) and click your way to big pictures!
The utility sounds great. Welcome aboard!
Meh, I have had my nose in that format for quite some time, and have figured out about half of it.. and now you say you'd provide it? -_-... I myself am trying to create a utility for LINUX users to create and modify DMI files.. since you guys were so kind to release a linux compiler, the task didn't seem so huge.. Of course map editing would take forever since it reads from compiled data (or source scripts)... And also, it seems that you are going to release a new .dmi format, which basically will make my monthes of work useless -_-... Is there any way that I can get the new formats from you so I can provide acceptable linux alternatives, and/or is there a way I can prove that I can do what I claim?
I have been in and out of the byond scene since april 2001, and eagerly await the new byond.. But I guess my unnecesary comments about byond in the past gave me a bad impression -_-.. sorry if it did.. Well if you cannot give out the format, that is fine, I will once again decode the new format with my trusty khexedit and gcc tools.. But hey, theres no harm in hoping :)

Lummox JR