Well since I got arrested I'm grounded and can't go outside for a while(like 2 months :( ) But anyways I need a way to pass the time, I'm gonna be doin my homework and working out some but I need something besides that. I don't just wanna sit at home and play games all day. So does anyone have any recommendations on how to pass the time doing something that will have some meaning, and don't say read a book. several books! several magazines!
Make a BYOND Game!
Try to figure out the true meaning of life!
Be bored!
Stare out the window at people, creeping them out!

All of which I do regularly! -

Sit and think about how stupid what you did to get arrested was... : )

I think reading some books would do you a lot of good... It's that kind of attitude that got you where you are in the first place...
Read a book. Reading makes time go by fast. But get a good book. Like Redwall.

Shoot bottle rockets out of your window at cars.
If you REALLY intend to stay busy, you can try to read through the entire series to Lord of the Rings. Have fun lol
Pondering the Meaning of life and your specific role in it also takes time, and is fun. Unfortunately whenever i do this i realize even MORE that i'm wasting lots of valuble time. But then i talk myself into believing that i'm not wasting my life, and i go back into my hypocritic ways...
Tokabol wrote:
So does anyone have any recommendations on how to pass the time doing something that will have some meaning, and don't say read a book.

All right, I won't tell you to read a book. But maybe you'll enjoy reading some excerpts from my favorite book, The Boomer Bible.

Chapter 5
1 In the light of the first fire, the punks thought about everything they had seen,
2 Which was not easy,
3 Because they had never thought about anything before,
4 Which is to say they had never asked any real questions about anything,
5 Real questions being the kind where you have to listen to the answers,
6 Which results in more questions,
7 And so forth,
8 And so on.

Chapter 6
1 So they thought up some questions to ask themselves,
2 Namely, Why is it that we don't know anything,
3 And don't have a future,
4 And don't have a clue?

Chapter 7
1 And when they found they couldn't answer even these simple questions,
2 The punks grew angry,
3 And their anger grew,
4 And grew,
5 Until it was rage.
6 The fire of their rage burned brightly,
7 Filling South Street with something like light,
8 But redder than the moon,
9 And hotter than the sun.

The punks do finally come up with a plan, but I don't have time to type all that.