I'm really sleepy right now and got this idea, i'll work on it'll basicly be a blog host where you can add entries, and stuff like that and then view others blogs, and you can even customize your blogs and stuff like that..anyway..NOW FOR SLEEP..

In response to Jotdaniel
Be more specific, yet again this is a Siientx type post.

Are you speaking about something like bwicki or something like Hazman's Worlds?

In response to IvoryWizard
WTF is a blog?
In response to Sticky_Chronic
A weblog minues the 'we.
I think a good one could be made in DMCGI and put up on a site, actualy I could convert the current Castle of the winds site to do that, alas there is a problem with limiting the amount of input so you can have huge blogs.
In response to Sticky_Chronic
a blog, or weblog, or web-log, is not much more complex than an online version of a daily diary. I think BYOND could do a blog-entry system using MySQL for storing the entries, and generating the HTML output for a webpage... should be no sweat for a medium-level BYOND programmer.
In response to Maz
Heh, I've already coded one for myself in DMCGI, but I haven't uploaded it anywhere yet.
In response to Nadrew
Do it, I was thinking more one for everyone to blog with, could be an interesting result. :D
In response to Sticky_Chronic
WTF is a "WTF"?
In response to Maz
I just tried the upload, and the server doesn't like the comment system. Lemme work on it a little more. (Note: It works fine in Dream Seeker)
In response to IvoryWizard
If anyone wants to read it, then its of use, and you could just put it on the bwicki. My post was perfectly clear, he wanted a system to put them up, and I reffered him to it.

How in the world did you get Hazman's worlds out of a link to the bwicki site?

Linking to it would mean Im telling him to use it, not something like it, or else I would have said "use something like the bwicki."