can some1 give me some details? how much ppl average can play with normal lag in each speed

56k =
cable =
dsl =
t1 =
t3 =
oc1+ =
To be honist, all of those very. 56k is going to be laggy, even if just one other person in the game. Cable tends to be able to support a ton of people, DSL varys a lot. T1 I have no clue, but most internet speed clockers say im faster than T1 so im guessing they would do ok, i think they have good upload speed so im guessing 20 or so people with little to no lag. T3, do you actualy think you are getting a T3? oc1+, what?
In response to Scoobert
OC1 is the lowest bandwidth, and least expensive fibre optic cable internet connect someone can buy. There's also lots of OC cables with more bandwidth than OC1.
unfortunately you won't get accurate results because of several things:

- quality of the line (not all telephone lines are created equal)
- amount of traffic on the internet
- the programmers ability to make tight, fast, bug-free code

ISDN B, BRI(2B+D)- 64kbps, 144Kbps
ISDN PRI(23B+D)-1.544Mbps
T1 (DS-1)-1.544Mbps
Frame Relay-56kbps-1.544Mbps-36Mbps
SONET OC-1/STS-1 - 51.84Mbps
ATM 25 - 25Mbps
ATM DS-3 - 44.736Mbps
ATM TAXI-100Mbps
ATM OC-3 - 155.52Mbps
ATM OC-12 - 622.08Mbps
ATM OC-48 - 2.488Gbps
ATM OC-128 - 6.4Gbps
ATM OC-192 - 9.58Gbps (which is basically the speed of the internet)
In response to XxXSonGokouXxX
XxXSonGokouXxX wrote:

The chances of you getting an actual 56Kbps on a 56k are very slim. My dad's XP pro, earthlink 56k runs at about 50Kbps, many run lower.

Does the operating system/computer stats effect internet speed?
In response to XxXSonGokouXxX
You forgot to mention cable,which runs anywhere from 128k to 3mbps, depending on how generous your provider is.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
You forgot to mention cable,which runs anywhere from 128k to 3mbps, depending on how generous your provider is.

I'de hate to bost but. Mine is very generous :). I get 5mbs up and 900kb down. it is rated 10,000 up & 1000 down. I have a old model modem so I can't get any better. but relly I don't need anymore.

btu, It's Cablevision's Optimumonline. and it's $30. the only negitive is that you can be caped for useing to much upload :( so no servers.
In response to Airjoe
Any time you pass data between one location and another, technically it takes time and thus affects the speed. Realistically though, going from the modem to the cpu is negligent, since it will almost allways be much, much faster than the contact between your network device and the other computer (Even on my old computer which ran at 233mhz and had a cable 'net connection, I still had no problems). The only time I would suggest you upgrade the connection from your computer to the network device would be in the occurance that you happen to find yourself connected directly to one of the internet backbone servers, which will probably never happen. That would be awesome if it did though. *dreams* imagine being jacked in where your connection speed is irrelevent, since your connection speed would allways be higher than that of the other computer.
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
XxXSonGokouXxX wrote:

The chances of you getting an actual 56Kbps on a 56k are very slim. My dad's XP pro, earthlink 56k runs at about 50Kbps, many run lower.

yes, mine acts like a 44 kbs, or a 32 kbs, :\ used to act like a 50kbs tho...not sure whats happend (Maybe getting old, poor thing.....actully that is true, since it is kind of dying)