Nov 4 2003, 6:46 am
This may be a weird thing to ask especially on the Byond Forums. My good computer doesn't work something is wrong with the hardrive. Once every day or so it turns on and works but only a half a hour or so. Then the hardrive makes a really weird noise kinda similiar to the noise the floppy drive makes except 5 times louder. Then the screen turns blue and says something like ubable to read C Dirve. I was wondering would reinstallation fix this problem or is there just some sort of file missing on my PC like a DLL file. Or do I just need a new Hard Drive?
Nov 4 2003, 6:47 am
I would imagine you need a new hard-drive. How new is your PC? Maybe you can get the hard-drive replaced free of charge.
In response to Hazman
I think it about 4 years old now.
In response to Codesterz
Oh dear. No free hard-drive for you, unless you bought extended warranty. But anyway, my buddy got a 40GB UDMA hard-drive for about £40. I dunno how much that is in anything else. And he did order it from a VERY cheap place. (AMD Athlon 1.6ghz 256mb ram for Under £150).
In response to Hazman
Have you tried a reformat "WD"? Basically, have you whipped the drive in a reformat style? The drive doesn't fix itself (I myself have a corrupted disc drive structure which prevents it from reading game discs and data discs) but it does remove whatever errors you might be getting. does for me anyway. Otherwise you might have to fly to the UK and buy yourself a hard-drive -wink- -^;
In response to Karasu Kami
I haven't tried to reformat it yet I'll do that later this afternoon and see if it works. In all hope it will work.
In response to Codesterz
"Don't forget to bring burnable cds."