(See the best response by Ter13.)

Problem description:

I'm trying to develop a MUD in BYOND, using Dan's nice little library, and it's working all fine and dandy. But I want to keep it a classic full text-input MUD. Now some problems I have been having is when you give a verb an argument, and don't fill that argument in on the command bar, and it gives you the little popup box with possible matches, which I want to surpress. And using verbs for my MUD has been a bit wonky also, so I was thinking of dropping the command bar and just using raw text input and parsing it into commands like a classic MUD.

So I have two questions: Is it possible at all to surpress the popup box for verbs, or

I might just drop verbs all together and switch to text parsing, and while I could probably cobble something together on my own, I was wondering if any good libraries exist out there since it would help a lot, I already have a lot of boilerplate to code.
Silly me, I shoulda searched before posting this, Alaparser seems to fit my needs exactly, but the first question still stands.
Best response
Unfortunately verbs don't really support optional arguments. Best bet is to do the plaintext parsing.