![]() Nov 7 2003, 5:39 pm
In response to Scoobert
Point Taken. But what if the Hippo was instead a cigarette dealer who deals to underage smokers like myself. Now who got the last word. >:P
Yeah it is all mental which make it so hard to overcome I prefer to go with my my than go against it. Wow not many people on byond seem to amoke which is the absolute oppoiste of my town. 90% of the students at my High School smoke. What makes my school so great is school doesn't start until 8:30AM and ends at 12:30PM. And what makes my school even better is they don't gave homework and during the 10 minute breaks you can go right outside in the Parking Lot and smoke. You just have to make sure you aren't seen by any cops.
That would mean you are weak minded, im guessing you are admitting it. An intelligent person can overcome things like that.
I'm pretty smart I guess. Everyone says I am. Mainly with computers. I'm just lazy and this makes getting jobs easier and allows me to work more hours.
Smoking makes getting a job easyer? I seem to be missing the connection there. I know if im hiring someone, im hiring the healthy guy with the nice shiny teeth.
What makes getting a job easier is the fact that I get out of school earlier and am able to work when other students are still in school. Also my boss won't know I smoke when I write my application I don't right just so you know I smoke. They don't even ask about that.
This school is made for people who usually don't plan to go to a big college. This is also I good school for people who are having trouble with the normal school or for people who just don't have enough time for homework and are up really late and come to school tired as hell. Because of the fact that people who come to this don't plan for big colleges the school doesn't bother teaching you those extra bits of things. By ending earlier students can get jobs and be better prepared for the real world.
Nothing the smoking at school is just a bonus. It's their way of making their school less conventional and better for the students. This is one school that actually things about the students and not only their image. Theay make sure they meet all minimum requirments and make sure you get your High School Degree.
I never said smoking made getting a job easier. I said it was bonus that made my school better. Go back and read the old posts and you'll see I never mentioned anything like getting a job is easier because I smoke.
Codesterz wrote:
Just for the heck of it I decided to start this topic. Apparently I have never seen a topic about cigarttes and smoking so this is for all of you smakers and people who are bored to death of the conventional topics on this forum.Yes, but not cigarettes, those are disgusting, I used to but I quit(pat on the back for me :D). My favorite "brand" or strain of weed is P-91, which is San Diego exclusive(lucky lucky me) and Super Skunk, and who doesn't love White Widow. But for most of you who aren't interested about weed when I did smoke cigarettes I smoked Kools and Marborlo Lights 100's. 2)Why do you smoke?Why else? To get high. Also I love the taste of some good chronic and it's just straight out fun to smoke, especialy when you smoke out of a bong, you get a good feeling of accomplishment when you take a hit that numbs your lungs, not to mention you'll get high as a mother f***er. I love the lifestyle too, I'm not one of those loser stoners who sits around all day and smokes weed by himself, I do it for fun and I think people are alot more fun to talk to when they are high, but thats just my opinion. 3)What is your opinion on smoking?On cigarettes I think that smoking is a disgusting habit if you smoke alot, having a cigarette every once and a while is OK but being addicted to anything is disgusting and cigarretes are extreamly hazardous to your health, even though weed is a little more hazardous to your health, think about it, one joint = four cigarettes right. How many joints(or a joints worth) does the average pot smoker smoke in a week? I'd say about 5-8. And I'm not even mentioning that smoking out of a bong(water pipe) filters out most of the carcinogens in marijuana smoke. How many cigarettes does the average smoker smoke in a week? Probably about 4-5 packs, thats 80-100 cigarettes. Do the math, the average pot smoker is only getting about 1/4 of the carcinogens that a cigarette smoker gets. And on the subject of marijuana making you impared, well obviously this is true, but no more than alcohal, and I would say even to a lesser degree than alcohal. Although weed has different effects on different people, most people are calm and mellowed out when high, they just want to sit around and chill, eat some munchies and watch T.V. Drunks on the other hand tend to get violent and use bad judgement, like thinking they could drive fine when they can't even walk straight, a stoner would just be too lazy to drive, but even if he did I still think he'd be able to drive better than a drunk, motor skills are not impared nearly as much so pretty much the only factor there would be slow reaction time and zoning out(if you try you won't zone out though, unlike drunks who try to drive good but still can't). On the legalization factor I see NO reason why weed is illegal while alcohal remains legal. Weed is not a gateway drug, hardcore drug addicts usualy start with weed because it is gone through the streets and the drug dealers are just looking to make a profit. I think alcohal is just as much as a drug as weed and it seems pretty stupid that one is legal and the other isn't. Besides weed is a natural plant that grows in nature, it is not refined and doesn't have any chemicals added to it, it's just what God put on this earth. You don't have to stick to these questions only. You can talk about parties drinking, etc. Obviously I didn't :P But I hope this post will provide people with some insight on the the subject. |
No it not a special school just a regular school. There is not one Mentally retarded person at my school and some of the people are pretty smart but are just to lazy to give a damn. It's a normal school except for the features I mentioned. This is the greatest school a teen could ask for. Just about everyone in my town wants in to this school and also the surrounding towns. But their isn't enough room for all of them and they are just stuck on the waiting list to get in. Some people don't want to come here because they want to stay in their school with their friends considering the chance of all of them getting in together is slim.
Nope, I don't smoke, and I have no desire to whatsoever...
I see absolutely no point in it... I can't even comprehend why someone would start doing it... It gives you nothing (until you're addicted, and then all it gives you is relief from your overwhelming desire to smoke)... People claim that smoking calms them down and such...but in reality, it only makes you feel calmer, because it relieves your "need" to smoke... If you never started in the first place, you'd be just as calm (if not moreso) without having to bother with it... The smoking itself is what makes you stressed out... Does that make any sense to anyone? What good does that do you? Smoke simply because your body feels better when you smoke... But your body only feels bad because you're addicted to smoking... It's like that character in The Little Prince, where there's a guy on a small planet who is a drunk... However, he only drinks to forget that he is ashamed that he drinks...lol Completely idiotic... Sure, most kids start due to "peer pressure", and are fooled into thinking it makes them cool, and by the time they realize otherwise, they're hooked... Poor suckers... Luckily for me, I'm too smart for that...lol And I don't even really care about the health problems, or the money wasted... If there were a good reason for me to smoke, I'd accept those problems and smoke despite them... However, there is absolutely nothing to gain from smoking...so why accpet nothing but negatives, when you get nothing in return? That's like burning money, or drinking drano just because you feel like it...lol However, I'm not one of those "smoking should be banned from everywhere" types of people... Second-hand smoke doesn't bother me in the least... I don't enjoy it, but I can deal with it... So if someone wants to smoke around me, I don't care... I'll just laugh at their idiocy... |
Funny you should mention the banning of public smoking. Because here in Florida, public smoking is banned in all government buildings, hospitals, restaurants, etc...It's actually an amendment recently passed by the Florida Congress. Though, it does still inhibit the right to smoke at a bar if the percentage of the business' profits is 15% or more. But, of course I very much enjoy this. I absolutely HATE it when I'm sitting at a restaurant with someone and I smell something terrible and I turn around and to no doubt it's a cigarette. It completely ruines the meal I think. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't care if you smoke AWAY from me, but I don't want anyone else' nasty habits being blown in my face. </rant> |