The info can be found here.

Even if you are in the big one you may enter this one. This is just planned to be a small, fun contest for those with alot of free-time and an indecisive attitude.

I have an idea, ill see if i can get it wipped together in 10 days(but unlikly)
In response to Scoobert
It doesn't have to be anything great. I'm looking for more entertainment and less of that "professional" touch. Even if it is minor entertainment. Improv. is basically the key element, but instead of stand-up like you usually see it it is in a game. Good luck, I hope to get a few entries.
Also, production after the contest isn't disallowed, it is actually enforced if you have something good. I'm expecting a game in its infant state. They are usually best when they are something brand-new anyway.
