I have a question about a Trigun Song Name. It played on many epsiodes I believe the first time it played was on the episode that Brad died. It played right after he died. It also played when Vash was telling Maryl about his past. Also does anyone know the name of the song played when wolfwood died? My last question is a request. Anyone here know some really good anime songs and music. Preferably more emotional things like the ending themes to Inu Yasha Season 1,2 and 3. Thanks.

EDIT:Could you please hurry with an answer to the first question? Sorry for rushing but I would really like to get this CD burnt ASAP. It is the best music in Trigun and one of my all time favorite anime musics.
sorry for the double post just wanted to mention why I can't download a song and then play it and see if it the right. I do have a high speed internet connection yes but this PC has no sound. I can't listen to a song until after it has been burnt.

I burnt every Trigun song that I downloaded and not one of them was the right one. In total I have burnt almost 20 Trigun songs. I'm begging for some help. Ask ASAP means within 3 hours. Not 24 hours. Sorry about sounding b****y, but my only care in the world right now is to get that song and listen to it over and over for the next few weeks. well hours.
In response to Codesterz
Maybe the problem is the audience you targeted, I haven't answered because I have no clue what you're talking about. Maybe you could find a forum specifically for Trigun and get help quicker. :)
In response to Jnco904
plus i think the normal bumping time is 24 hours, or when the post has fallen off the front page. please try not to bump so early next time...