Who are the best byonders in your opinion? Who's the funniest? Most helpfull? Most kind? Etc
My List
* Lummox Jr
* Onefishdown
* Garthor
* Xooxer
* Theodis
* Gughunter
* Nadrew (Even though hes mean to me. ;[)
* Maz
* Splattergnome
I'll add more later.
![]() Nov 24 2003, 3:11 pm (Edited on Nov 28 2003, 3:05 pm)
![]() Nov 24 2003, 3:17 pm
What did lummo say about the poll threads? Besides, this is just a flame waiting to happen, as we've been shown in the past.
You messed up my name is not there :P
I really don't know who I would consider best Byonders. I guess one person I can say is Lummox JR cause he has always been around helping people including me. |
Siientx, your about one post away from trouble. I suggest you chill out for a while. This topic has been brought up about 10 times now, a quick search of the forums would show you this. If you feel like being a nusience, please, take it somewhere else. Heck, take it to Chatters. No one seems to mind there...
<RANT> And why the heck do I keep popping up in your threads? I would not classify myself anywhere near LummoxJR's ability in just about anything related to BYOND, except, perhaps pixel pushing. And what has OFD done but make some nifty raytracing engine? So he's a decent math student, that doesn't make him any better than, say, Hedgemistress, who, I might add deserves a high mark on my list for the sheer fact that her games are actual games with content and fun. (no offense, OFD) Garthor, heh. Good one. If you're going to put Garthor on that list, Nadrew better be quite a few notches higher. He's been with BYOND since DUNG (as have many many people you failed to mention) and has provided newbies with more help than any one person on BYOND. I think SuperSaiyanGokuX should be up there as well. He is the only one I have seen to make a DragonBall fan game that actually stayed true to the series, and helped push alot of the crappy DBZ games to the background for a while. Not to mention Murder Mansion, a excelent game in it's own right, but you probably didn't think about that. And where is Spuzzum? How can you forget those s_libs? Half of BYOND ran with s_libs until recently. I use quite a few in Chatters. He's an all-reound good programmer in DM and not a bad iconist either. Sure, his games are few and far between, but heck, I haven't even made a game, and I got on your list... And Foomer seems to have been completely forgoton about these days. His contributions to the community are not as well advertised as other's (save his graphics) but I assure you, things would be quite different if he was never here. You also forgot completely about Deadron and the DDT (Deadron, Gughunter and Gazoot), who, I can say without a doubt, have contributed more to this community than any other individual or group I know of. Then there's AirMapster, who, I would like to point out, created the new BYOND websites, and the BYOND Store. And what about Dan and Tom themselves? If it wasn't for their hard work and dedication, you'd probably be in some AOL chatroom complaining how much it sucks. Me? Who the fudge am I? Just some homeless shmuck who hacked together some crappy chat program no one ever uses fully. I hardly call that an accomplishment, seeing as how it only takes 2 lines of code to create a chat on BYOND... </RANT> ~X |
Jotdaniel wrote:
Besides, this is just a flame waiting to happen, as we've been shown in the past. Well, those usually happen with the worst BYONDers threads. I don't see how it's a flame to be considered one of the best BYONDers. But then again, another thread could spawn off of, "No, you're wrong, [whoever] isn't one of the best, becuase..". ~>Volte |
Thats exactly what I'm talking about, its the kind of thing all these threads have degenerated into.
Jotdaniel wrote:
Thats exactly what I'm talking about, its the kind of thing all these threads have degenerated into. No they haven't! *Tries to stab you with a broken bottle* That and they are generally useless topics. Usually they only seem to either brag, suck up, or kill time. |
Thanks, Xooxer! I hope Deadron resurfaces soon... he's always been good at goading me on to bigger and better things. Of course I always gripe about the work involved, but that's just me.
As for your own modesty, you aren't fooling anyone. :) |
And Chatters being a zeta rip, that makes it even less of an accomplishment =P
There's a lot of good people on BYOND, you probably missed a bunch yourself. Also, it depends on what you think being the "best" is. If you're judging who is best in terms of best games made, that'd be different that judging the best programmer, best artist, or best contributor to the community. And even so, that's still very subjective. If you're going to put Garthor on that list, Nadrew better be quite a few notches higher I won't even comment on what you should do then if you add Nadrew to the list, that was just too easy =P And, quite modestly, I am much better than "decent" at math, but all that means is that I'm better at math than all the people worse than me in math. I think this topic has been brought up before, at least once that I can remember, though I think that specified "best programmer". Still, threads like this seem to be rather pointless. |
OneFishDown wrote:
And Chatters being a zeta rip, that makes it even less of an accomplishment =P OMG D00D!!!!!1!1! CHATERZ IS ZETA????/1!!!!! BUT XOOXR TUK OUT TEH SSJ!!!1!1!111 D00D THAT SUX!!1!11one!!!!!!111!!eleventy!!1! I think this topic has been brought up before, at least once that I can remember, though I think that specified "best programmer". Still, threads like this seem to be rather pointless. Agreed. |
MY list:
Dan and Tom Look at their libraries indepth, they can code insanly well, they also made the community, the system, etc.. they should be at the top of everyone's list. Deadron Has been helping me since I first started being active in the community, he also GAVE me a computer when my old one died (how nice is that?) we've worked together many times, and he's a great friend. (he also gave me a cool BYOND mousepad with my computer) LummoxJR Awesome coder, totally awesome. He has helped me with a few questions I've had, and we've talked quite a bit outside of BYOND, and he is NOT a robot, I've seen him talking to a few girls I know, he's pretty sly actually. Gazoot Lesser-known throughout the community, but a member of the elite DDT crew, and also a good friend of mine, he can draw pretty well, code very well, and make music like you'd never believe. Efficent in most things he does, he has taught me a lot of what I know about making your games' source look nice. Gughunter Another member of that crazy DDT team, makes some great looking graphics, and is one of the funniest middle-aged men I know, he never fails to make me laugh. Skysaw Maker of BYOND's most popular non-DBZ game, and a very nice person, never lies to you, but instead plays fun mind-games that make you give up on asking him questions (which is fun anyways) even in the roughest times he continues to keep his cool, and remains nice to everyone. Zilal Teacher, she taught me how BYOND had changed since the days of DUNG with her excellent tutorial, and has helped me with many problems I've had, even talked me through real-life problems. She's insanly fun to play games with, especially if Tom or Gughunter are there too, watching them together shows how true the BYOND family is. Hedgemistress Ah, Lexy. She scared me as a newbie, but it was for good, she managed to make me relize making DBZ games was pointless, which caused me to look deeper into the DM language, which is probably the main reason I know as much as I do today. Xooxer C'mon, Xooxer I´ve SEEN you work with my own two eyes, you're one of the best, and you know it. You've continued to amaze me with your skills from the time you joined. Knowing you in real-life has helped me understand you more, and I understand that if you have a problem you work until you solve it, or work on something else until you think of a solution, instead of giving up; which is a trait I wish I had, I lack the motivation for that. Foomer Little does anyone know, Foomer is one of the best CODERS around, he's not centralized in graphics, some of his projects that never made it were totally amazing and showed high levels of skill. Spuzzum Good coding skills, awesome libraries, and a great personality. He also helped me many times when I was new, he even played my first games, and gave me great feedback that forced me to learn more to add what he wanted, but I did it, and he was pleased, thanks, Spuzzmonkey. Shadowdarke Though he may not be around as much as he used to he and I are still good friends, and we talk a lot, he helped me with my first code problem I ever posted on these forums, and continued to help me from there, he also made the game that I enjoy to play the most "Tanks", the things he has done bring back some of the fondest memories of my beginnings. That's my list, there are some I forgot, but they know what I think about them. |
Actialy, i can say almost the same thing about most of them, cept i dont really know any of you personally, only the chatters people. You and lummox really helped me out a lot when i was new, and you get 2 gold stars for that. I would say though, there are many un-named here that would be on my list, but i would have to have a 5 page list to list everyone i thought should be mentioned. People like volte, airjoe, jon88, and crispy are some of the people i really connect with when i do talk with them. But i suppose thats because they are basicly on my level of skill. Oh ya, lexy still scares me, but we can now agree on some things, and i havent offended her in many months, so i feel a little safer around her, but i think she has me pager banned still :(, i have no idea what i did for that one. Lummox has shown to be extreamly good at making coding look simple, and thus making me look dumb. Then theres gughunter, i dont know of any of his games, but byondscape is...well...1 of a kind. Cant leave out digimouse, i havent seen him in a month or so, but he is a real nice guy and fun to talk too, even if he does hardly know anything about DM(or so he says). I have always though maz to be one step ahead of me on skill of coding, so i always feel i am following in his wake. There are other people i would like to talk about, but no one relevent...just kidding. If i left you out, im sorry, but im sure its because im lazy.
I'd have to say the best Beyonder was Dr. Doom, who briefly wielded the power cosmic after seemingly "killing" the true Beyonder with a series of energy lenses modeled after Galactus's world-devouring technology using information gleaned from vibrational resonances stored in the solid-sound body of Dr. Klaw.
Sadly, the true Beyonder was only weakened by the assault and still had enough power to wrest his mantle back from Doom, and so the universe was denied its one chance for peaceful existence under a strict but benevolent technomagocracy. Sadder still, the Beyonder eventually came to earth for the horrible "Secret Wars II", which were neither secret nor much of a war, proving that when it comes to universe-straddling cosmic crises, Marvel Comics will always be second best. Um, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah. IQ tests suck. |
Zilal:For coding 2 of my favorite BYOND games Sheep II and Night Fantastic.
LostRealm: For coding my all time favorite BYOND game Mafia. |
My List:
- Dan and Tom C'mon, what is there to say? These guys really are the best byonders. Without them, most of us would still be using RM2k or GameMaker. - Spuzzum Definatly very helpful. I don't think I've made anything in BYOND without at least one s_lib. - Deadron Also very helpful. Has some nice libraries. And though I've never seen him on the forums, a forum search shows that when he is on, he's helpful! - Nadrew He's helped me a lot since I was a newbie on BYOND. Very good programmer. - "Lee" (why is his key so damn hard to spell! :-P) First one to help me on the forums, and even though I was an ass back then, he stuck with a few of my other problems. We talk when he's on AIM or in Chatters :-) - OneFishDown Lately, OneFishDown (and the person below) have helped me very much lately. OFD is a very good programmer in the DM language, and can spot most problems *snaps fingers* like that. Definatly an insperation to me, and many on BYOND. A good friend. :-) - Loduwijk Also helps me very much via AIM and then forums. He has also inspired me. A good friend. :-) - Lummox JR Mr. No put usr in proc. Ungh. Has helped me from some tight spots in the DM language. Thanks! - Scoobert Good ol' scoobert. Nice guy. Good programmer :-). Hosts AirjoeServices.com even though I haven't gotten the new computer for hosting his game :-). Also a good friend. - Jon88 Helpful. Fun to talk to in Chatters, and fun to tell him to fix your code in chatters. :-P I could keep listing gurus, such as ShadowDarke, and Zilal, and Lexy, but personally to me, either I'm to lazy, or they haven't done something to help me. Not saying they haven't done great things for the community, but this is my list. I could also keep listing friends, and helpers. But the list would be a mile long. Sorry GDT, you were one person off. And I'm too lazy, and my arm hurts...... <-Airjoe-> [edit] and still with this whole list, I feel bad because I left out people like: - Maz Very fun to talk to. Nice Shirt! while(inchatters) Helpfull++ Fun++ - Volte What can I say about Volte.... He's a great guy, kinda similar to OFD but different just the right amount so they don't look like robots made by BillGates in order to take over BYOND with his Nazisoft army! |
Wow, in a backhanded way you called me a guru :). I am not that by anymeans, but everything else you said about me i agree with.
Gughunter wrote:
Thanks, Xooxer! I hope Deadron resurfaces soon... he's always been good at goading me on to bigger and better things. Of course I always gripe about the work involved, but that's just me. I should be back on the forums now. Email may have to wait a bit longer (I basically can't read personal email anymore without my extensive email filters, which are all sitting on a PowerBook that isn't working at the moment. Otherwise I'm doomed to 5,000 ways to extend my penis size.) |