![]() Jul 5 2015, 11:02 am
Is it possible to use BYOND's services it provides for online games with a third party game. Say I want to make a game in unreal engine. Can I take BYOND's services and tie them into my unreal game. I was thinking along the lines of when the web client allows custom logins maybe there would be a feature that worked by allowing you to tap into BYOND's account(s) information via "SDK?"
I'm trying so hard to understand. Are you mad? I don't get it...
I just want to use BYOND's infrastructure to tie into unreal engine and I want to know if this is possible or if anyone thinks this will be possible, based on direction of BYOND: web client development and such. If you think it is possible then I would like to know the suggested method. |
Dream Daemon, the hosting program accepts .dmb files as input. DMB files are a propriety format suited to and only suited holding games that can be created using the Dream Maker.
Attempting to get Dream Daemon to accept another type of file would require a complete rewrite of Dream Daemon. Attempting to get Unreal to output a .dmb file capable of being hosted on Dream Daemon would require both a complete rewrite of Dream Daemon as well as a complete rewrite of the .dmb format. To put it into an analogy. If I have a German laptop with a German charging cable, I will only be able to charge it in America if I take out an American wall socket and replace it with a German one or.. If I have a German to American wall adapter. In either case I can't possibly plug into an American wall socket. It's an apples and oranges problem. |
Just ignore Lugia319, he has a stick up his arse. he's angry about anything BYOND and complains that it never changes. Yet all he does to help is troll the forums like some retard.
Lugia319 wrote:
You completely missed the point even though I all but spelled it out in black and white. Instead of being a completely numbskull, you could either answer the question or not post at all. All you do is troll and whinge. It needs to stop. |
I've yet to figure out what this whinging activity is that everyone accuses me of doing.
I would think that my post spoke for itself as to the absurdity of the question. |
Oh man, the three posts on this thread(including OP's) are sure nice and un-tumor inducing. Oh, there's more than two replies? I must've Blocked The Issue!. Honestly, it really does make the forums a LOT more pleasant.
Oh man, the three posts on this thread(including OP's) are sure nice and un-tumor inducing. Oh, there's more than two replies? I must've Blocked The Issue!. Honestly, it really does make the forums a LOT more pleasant. Hahah, I don't like doing it, but I may have too. It's becoming an issue. |
The only tumor inducing person here is you NAAHHH. Eventually the only people reading your deluded comments will be those who share your distorted reality.
To be fair, Sir Quizalot only ever posts troll comments anyway, often posed in a way as to make people take him seriously but in the end never pan out. This is the same guy asking for concepts to create a browser when Firefox and Google Chrome already did the exact things they requested.
Sir Quizalot wrote:
... I was thinking along the lines of when the web client allows custom logins maybe there would be a feature that worked by allowing you to tap into BYOND's account(s) information via "SDK?" Why? What would the point be? Make your own database of login/password credentials. What you're talking about would require: (1) Players to login to BYOND via the Pager or the website. (2) Connect to the BYOND server which would export the username, since password exporting is strictly security compromising and none of us would allow you access to BYOND's database of encrypted passwords otherwise I'm fairly certain if BYOND gave you that access the rest of us are just going to up and quit BYOND. (3) Nothing, because you will never have access to BYOND's password database. (4) If you HAD the possibility to access BYOND's password database, you would then export that, with the login, to your Unreal Engine game as a "login via BYOND". Is it worth it? Nope. Absolutely not. Just make your own database for Unreal Engine (Actually, stop using Unreal Engine completely. If you don't want to use BYOND, use Unity instead as there's a load of network/login systems available.) |
Very insightful Maximus, I was just piecing together the same concept in idleness. Guess it makes my next question redundant.
Medals, subscription system, would probably be easier from scratch or some other service. Thanks. Edit: On second thought since no question is stupid I tentatively ask, is there anything you all feel would be near impossible to achieve in unreal engine that BYOND can easily do already? |
"Oh you mean that game made on Unreal Engine? Awww yeah man, it's epic"
"I could never get past why it's on this BYOND website"
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
"Well unlike Kongregate and Armor Games, BYOND offers an IDE to make games of your own."
"Why is that so weird?"
"Because a game is being hosted on a site that promotes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDE"