Ever wanted to play fun roleplay without all the downloads? Without all the annoying stats that refine you from properly roleplaying?

Then this is for you!

It has some great people, takes no time to sign up, and is completely free! If you don't want to sign up, at least take a look! It can't hurt!

I've played for a while, and I think it's great. Not only does it have roleplay, but it has other threads for other gaming, talking and alike! It is all done by a magnificent forum, so you can't forget what the last person said!

(.)    (.)

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(That is meant to be a smiley face)

Go now!

That smiley face scares me.
I don't think stats limit roleplaying... what they limit is behavior, which can itself encourage roleplay. It's like a poem with specific rules, like limmericks or haiku. It actually requires -more- creativity to make a good poem that fits within specific guidelines then it does to make one up without any enforced rhyme or reason.
In response to Hedgemistress
I'm just guessing it's a message board that is focused around roleplaying. I tried that thing once, it was somewhat fun. Sort of like writing a story with multiple people. It's sort of the same argument that can be used to support roguelike text graphics: you're describing it, not showing it, which allows for infinitely more detail than any game.
In response to Garthor
Forum rpgs are fun, but they rarely last long, I was on a Harvest Moon one for awhile, then it just died suddenly.
In response to Shades

I would have pointed to a larger one at the same site, but it gets trimmed down from time to time because of its size( it was over 100 pages long last I checked, now its back down to one, but still being continued).

EDIT: Oops, I just looked and that ones more of a story, was a very long rp thread, but it looks like it was trimmed down again.
In response to Jon88
That smiley scares everyone. is way, way better.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
I don't think stats limit roleplaying... what they limit is behavior, which can itself encourage roleplay. It's like a poem with specific rules, like limmericks or haiku. It actually requires -more- creativity to make a good poem that fits within specific guidelines then it does to make one up without any enforced rhyme or reason.

I agree. Over the past few years I've become convinced that imposing demanding but well-chosen constraints upon a project will generally increase its chances of turning out well.