Dec 9 2003, 4:25 pm
I hav a qestin how do I make CGI work on Windows98 I hav Apache web server alredy and I alredy hav a web site and evrything els.
Dec 10 2003, 7:19 am
Wy you dont like to anser this qestin? Plese anser this qestin I cant find enywere and wat I try miself is not work.
In response to Zzo38computer
/google "CGI in apache"
Not too hard hey? |
In response to Maz
I alredy no how to CGI in Apache uther CGI programs works, but BYOND dusent. Can you plese help me so that BYOND CGI also works on Windows CGI?
In response to Zzo38computer
I'm afraid thats something that no-one bar DanTom has done. I would do a forum search for it but I doubt you will get much of use.
In response to Maz
DreamDaemon's CGI mode does not work in Windows. End of story.
In response to Jon88
OK then giv me a Linux or FreeBSD emulater program so that I can run the Linux or FreeBSD DreamDaemon program on Windows. It has to be a command-program (oviusly)
In response to Zzo38computer
I think you're saying that you want something that runs on Windows and can emulate Linux or FreeBSD...
The only x86 emulator I know of is I think that their emulators cost money, however. |