In response to Karasu Kami
Karasu Kami wrote:
...atleast i don't ahve something asking me idiotic questions every 5 seconds.

if you are referring to something like "leaving/entering non-encrypted pages", etc., then you either forgot that you did the same when you first started using IE (IE6 asks the same questions until you configure it to do otherwise), or you have your security settings down too low for IE to care (poor you!).

besides, it takes a simple click of a check box and those windows won't aks you again.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Last time I tried it, Netscape sucked...

then you are saying Firebird/Mozilla suck too, since the last Netscape browser was powered by the same Gecko core engine that Firebird and Mozilla use. I say "was" because as I understand it, Netscape is dying off to be replaced by Mozilla-based browsers.
In response to Mrhat99au
Now all people need to do is move onto ThunderBird instead of outlook and the open-source revolution can begin in BYOND!
Its good to hear people are moving onwards to Firebird though, kudos to you Mrhatgold!
In response to Crispy
Yes, i did time it, no i'm not a hypocrite, yes i did change the skin, 7 times, And thank you, i will hate everything in the world. (just as i have been for the past 2 years, only way to keep my mental state protected ^^;)
In response to Crispy
I'd certainly like to shoot you in the head.
In response to Goku72
Pepsi products, yay! ^^;;;
In response to Karasu Kami
you timed 15 milliseconds? 0.0
In response to Maz
Yes, amazing o.o;

But...i..guess.,.i've decided sorry guys. I'm being a total and complete ass (Please don't say anything smart ass to me now.) ...i will shape up, its needed before i get slapped by a mod anyway. So, sorry...and crsipy..i take everything back, but you don't have too if you don't want too, i deserved it all anyway.
In response to Crispy
Actualy crispy,i have tryed many browsers. I still use mozilla on my linux box. I was not saying they were bad browsers, i was saying I liked IE more. The popup blocker on google works great, i never get an unwanted popup and always get wanted ones, so whats to complain about? I like the interface of IE because its nice looking, i dont need themes, IE always matches my computer, and thats the way i like it. You act as if people cant prefer other things than what you prefer. And i repeat I am not saying mozilla is a bad browser, im saying i dont like it! Why is that so hard for you to understand?
In response to Crispy
Well, stoping ads is not hard, if you edit your computers "HOSTS" file you can block all the major ad places. I got one with basicly all of them blocked.
In response to Crispy
Well, a lot of times byonds forums just run slow.
In response to Crispy
Im looking at it, it doesnt look bad, its a defenent improvement from the non firebird mozillas. Im not totaly sure if i like it yet, but i will fiddle around with it a little. I never tryed firebird because last a heard it was very buggy and new.
In response to Scoobert
It still is very buggy

Example: Everytime i open a new browser the window jumps up and down (The window holding the page, not the whole browser)
In response to Karasu Kami
Sounds like a problem with your machine- I've been using version 0.5 of Phoenix (old Firebird), and it runs perfectly- a heck of a lot faster and stabiler than IE5 or IE6.

Ok, I think we have burned the topic into the ground... closing it for now!

Thanks for playing!
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