This makes me wonder why they don't just make the controller port in the shape of most usb ports. It would make it a whole lot easier then having to get special adapters and what not to use them. Then again, it's all about the money I guess.
I still do not believe this to be a flame war, how it looks to me, is that you are provoking me into acting poorly, which I might add, have not done yet, I have acted maturely, and possibly borderline hostile, but not quite so.
If you ask me, you are antagonizing me, and I wish that you would be silent. I am not quashing your opinion simply because it is different, but because you have made MANY hypoccritical statements throughout your posts, and I believe that discredits you. However, this does not mean I am directly trying to say "this console rules" I started this thread merely to say "Yay! I'm buying an XBox!" Then someone said PS2 was better in terms of technology. I responded saying PS2 MAY have more stream-ins, but, that XBox is more stable, and has better OVERALL HARDWARE. This was no flame war, and I'd appreciate it if you would stop provoking it. ~Ter |
My friend you have fell into a trap, a trap that i'm sure we'll both agree on. I voiced my opinion on how I think this thread should be closed, you didn't exactly concur, instead you retalliated with evidence which you believe you can back up, and maybe you can, and you also flamed back at me for what I did not flame for, and that does not bug me. For it is the princible of the thing, and we both learned a lesson today; and that is to never reply in a thread that is the following:
"This console PwNs all!!1"
"OMGOOSE this console SUXXORS!!"
I believe this thread goes under #1.
Now if you don't understand what trap I made you get into, I voiced my own opinion (rather hostile or negociative), and that is for this thread to be deleted or looked at, and embraced it through and through. I countered every example, theory, proof you gaven to me and look what ended up? You're flaming me because of my enthusiasim, because of our difference in opinions. Now i'm not saying all posts like this have to end up like this, rather the majority, or at least a partial sum of these, and they shouldn't be taken lightly.
To tell you the truth Ter13, I never had a grudge with you from the start, neither now. I don't have a grudge with Microsoft's X-box (though I believe so, I still like to play fantastic game's like Halo ...), I don't have a grudge with anyone on this thread. X-box is as great as any other console out there, wether you like it or not, they both have their own pros and cons. And if you already know of this ... why start a meaningless thread which you know you will get flamed or flame other people of occusing them of the "wrong" opinions?
This is enough, enough of this pitiful flame war you're having with me. I will not counter back with meaningless insults, rather I shall leave this thread and hoped that we have both stoutly learned our lessons for today.