After numerous Linux attempts (RedHat 9, and various Live-CDs, which I personally love!), I've found that my Soundblaster Audigy chip is incompatible with current Linux versions!

Info here:

After reading that, I see that I can regain partial audio support.

Does anyone know of a *better* way to re-capture all that is lost audio-wise in Linux?


Go complain to the Soundblaster company that they should release Linux drivers.
In response to Jon88
Or get windows, and be smart?

Wouldn't have incompatibilities if everyone used the same os.
In response to Karasu Kami
I have windows, but I don't want to be limited because I won't grow an try other Operating Systems.

- And I'm not taking a side on any "Linux verses Windows" flaming that pursues.

In response to Kujila
As i've always said...why try something differnt if you what you have already works?
In response to Karasu Kami
Nah, that'd be conforming. Not necessarily smart or otherwise. =P

If Kujila wants to try out Linux, that's his choice. Now no provoking please!
In response to Karasu Kami
This has no place here Karasu, and is a blatent act of instigation.
In response to Karasu Kami
One size fits all never fits anyone right.
In response to Jotdaniel
Yes it does, the world is just so use to being lazy and complaining.

-points at all of them-
In response to Karasu Kami
Karasu Kami wrote:
Or get windows, and be smart?

Wouldn't have incompatibilities if everyone used the same os.

That ignorace can't possibly help him! Hes asking for help, not a smart remark! If everyone was the same, it'd be a dull place. And I think that also includes many other things, including OS systems.

Anyways, look for Linux forum communties. I found, that alot of software trouble has been fixed by other people, who have done their own little hacks and stuff to software or hardware to get things to work.

Personally I think this is terrible! Thousands of people use Linux for their OS and I bet half of the hardware out there acts funny with it. As developers they need to make more universal hardware and software.

If more developers made UNIVERSAL software and hardware, we'd be much better off. Like Diablo, and Warcraft, and all my Maxis discs works in my friends I-mac, isnt that peachy?

Anyways... you get the idea.

Ber seriously, people in forums communites may be able to help you quite a bit.
In response to Shades
Hm, read the insult towards me, skipped to the end, read the last sentence, began typing this.

That explains what i do to everyone who thinks like you, shades.
In response to Karasu Kami
That was by no means an insult, if you took it as such you are waaaay to sensitive, and if you are that sensitive you have no reason to post the crap you do.
In response to Karasu Kami
*My Crispy senses are tingling... I sense a flame war!*

I have a good solution for this: Everyone just SHUDDUP unless you're helping Kujila. Sound good? Good. =)
In response to Jotdaniel
Heh, your right (Amazing, ne?). I'm very sensitive, but i noyl show it to those i trust (Only one person.) and those i don't hate, but even then i don't show it to them either.
In response to Crispy
I thought i was helping him? hmm..
In response to Karasu Kami
Well, you weren't.
In response to Crispy
Maybe i was, and your all just ganging up on me like usual?

Its all just opinions, see? ^^;;
In response to Karasu Kami
It wasn't the kind of answer he was looking for. It didn't help anyone. All it did was start this stupid argument.

Nobody is "ganging up on you". Okay, well actually they are, but you can hardly expect otherwise when you posted something that provocative.

Yes, it's all opinions. And in my opinion, this argument is OVER. /me will not be replying further.
In response to Karasu Kami
Opinions aren't fact, and the fact is you weren't helping him. He needed help with his sound card, and you offered none, therefore you were not helping him. That is fact.
In response to Karasu Kami
If you have a 1992 minivan with two missing doors, no radiator, and a faulty electrical system, that WORKS and runs, why test drive a new automobile? I mean, your van already works!

:) Don't get me wrong, I would mess my pants if my Windows went away, so it really isn't fair comparing it to a jaloppy, but you see what I'm trying to get across.

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