Feb 22 2004, 9:35 am
Did anyone ever try RPG Maker because I'v heard that BYOND originated from RPG Maker. If anyone wants to try it, i'll publish the zip for them.
In response to Shades
I know, but as in if they want the files. They could also just contact me if they want it also. I'm just saying, those who want it I'll be glad to give it to them.
And what are you talkin about never released for PC? Where have you been man? RPG Maker for PC is out. I can't belive you never knew that. |
In response to Krew
Krew wrote:
I know, but as in if they want the files. They could also just contact me if they want it also. I'm just saying, those who want it I'll be glad to give it to them. It's being distributed illegally without permission from the publisher. If you try publishing an illegal zip file for RPG Maker on the hub, expect trouble from the hub moderators. |
In response to Shades
If you think it isn't in US version you must be one dumb person! I have it for PC IN US VERSION there is NO PS1 PS2 OR GBA VERSION ARE YOU ON CRACK!!! I mean who the hell says there is no RPG maker for the pc! If you dont know that the us version is out you must be really really really stupid and a jackass if you believe that!
In response to Jon88
If it's illegal how come there are so many different ones out one which is an Official CLEAN site that doesn't have anything on it that is illegal! GODDAMN!
In response to Zeigue
Zeigue wrote:
If you think it isn't in US version you must be one dumb person! I have it for PC IN US VERSION there is NO PS1 PS2 OR GBA VERSION ARE YOU ON CRACK!!! I mean who the hell says there is no RPG maker for the pc! If you dont know that the us version is out you must be really really really stupid and a jackass if you believe that! I believe that you are referring to the illegal version being passed around. As far as I know, ASCII hasn't even made their own version of it translated into English. There are, however, playstation RPG Maker games. |
In response to Zeigue
| 3120-20-0.html?qt=RPG+Maker&tg=dl-2001
All I see is RPG Toolkit. That may be a role playing game maker but it is not any of the versions of RPG Maker. It's a totally different program. |
In response to Zeigue
Zeigue wrote:
If you think it isn't in US version you must be one dumb person! I have it for PC IN US VERSION there is NO PS1 PS2 OR GBA VERSION ARE YOU ON CRACK!!! I mean who the hell says there is no RPG maker for the pc! If you dont know that the us version is out you must be really really really stupid and a jackass if you believe that! Good lord you're an idiot.. |
In response to FireEmblem
I wasn't able to put my thoughts into a phrase that nice.
Okay, I'm closing this thread because:
1) It's turning into a flame fest. 2) We do not tolerate advertising/soliciting for illegal downloads. Yes, illegal. There never was a U.S. release. There never was an English language RPGmaker made for PC. The fact that you have a copy only proves that software piracy is alive and well. We can't really do anything about it, except to make sure you keep your stolen goods off of BYOND. |
Why would you say something like that? First of all, RPG Maker is not a Byond game, source, demo or lib, if you mean to publish it here, itll be deleted in a second, and there might be a ban in it for you.
Secdonly, soon, we will have to have a place to upload our own games, Byond wont be letting use upload to them anymore, damn it.
Thirdly, RPG Maker, unless the PS1, PS2 or GBA versions, have NEVER been produced for the PC for the USA. The only PC versions are in Jap or whatever it orginates from. The US version is a hack, and bascially a ripped software. The software it self, if brought from the REAL producer costs like $160.00!