this week has been a lazy week. So here we go.
Monster Class
-class is sorta finished with its AI. It now just needs its own abilities which i will work on once i do a class rehaul.
Treasure box
- there is now a treasure chest mechanic. Treasure chests(not currently) will be placed around the world, some hidden, some obvious. These treasure chests can only be open once. The harder ones to find will have greater secrets
Dead and moving glitch
-did a quick fix that basically makes it so if im the dead iconstate i can not move.
guard fix
-npc guard was broken, kinda fixed it. still needs some tweaking
Pvp(should have finished this week)
-made it so you can teleport and que for a 1 vs 1 arena match. Currently you can not exit and killing players means nothing. This week i will focus on the rewards for killing players in these matches and what is required to end the match.
After the pvp is done im going to be finishing the framwork of my game. And probably release another playable version for a bit. Im hoping this can be done in the next month. Than i have 1 more month too-- Make a second zone, make guilds, make cooler armour. A whole set of things until i release it hopefully in 2 months time.
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