In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
You mustn't of read a "[insertprogramminglanguage] in a nutshell"

I've heard of them, I just didn't make the connection. Besides, it was a joke. =)

Yeah, a nutshell thats the size of my tower PC.

I want that nut.
My programming life probably started when I was around 4ish, but not with computers or anything electronic, rather with Lego and my brain.
I wouldn't just slap wheels on a block and call it a car. I'd make a detailed (for a little kid) car model then give it rules for when it drove with the other cars on my Lego road. I also had rules for drivers, road types, and junk like that but it was all pretty much in my head.
It wasn't really until the Atari that I got into video games, and I didn't get into programming until a lot later.
I had programmer friends who I would make games with (ie, I'd tell them what the game should be like and they would make it). I got into Klick n' Play, then QBasic, then just sort of floated around aimlessly.
I eventually found BYOND, and I've been messing with other languages ever since.
In response to DarkView
I just like to build.
I started with Dos 6 on my apple ][
Then from there I went to ZZT for PC
Then MZX for PC

Then I accidently found Byond one day, by accidenlty finding the Dragon Warrior Online web site. lol

Since then Ive been in love with Byond.
Nadrew showed me. He regrets it. :\
In response to Kritic
I was searching the Net one day, a few months after I got frustrated with Rpg Maker 2000's limited capabilities and limited customizability I've always had an interest in programming games and Rpg Maker 2000 supplemented the stereo type that game programmer's jobs are easy (Rpg Maker 2000 is pretty much "click and paste" anyway im going off-topic, i was searching for any information about an old PSX game i had...until my brother took a chunk out of it conincedentally the PSX game's name was "Beyond the Beyond" Well i used a search engine and you can guess what happened next ;) anyway although I started nearly 2 years ago now, i've only released a few mediocre demos/librarys and a game i was really starting to make progress with...until my comp got formatted, but anyway here I am today, working on a new Project, and ive loved the BYOND system ever since, no matter how minimal my skills with coding are (although i think my months of being away have actually improved them!")

[Edit:BTW I was one of the kids the drean of game making stuck to too, as you can probably see!]
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