Problem description: Having a login error with Stat, basically there are variables set for mob/var/player instead of src/usr but I tried putting var/player/p in mob/stat() but i'm still getting an error that crashes me. Is there another way to call the Stat panel in a proc or something? |
Jun 28 2015, 1:07 pm
Update: I actually fixxed my error, but it'd still be nice to know more ways to call stat() if possible. Maybe if I fit the statpanel in a var itself?
Mind posting the code you were having issues with? It sounds like mob Which I don't think is even possible to do. If /player/ is a sub division of /mob/, I don't know why you don't just define it as /mob/player. If you're somehow calling Stat()(never tried calling Stat() manually, actually) in a for() loop inside of Stat(), it's going to be a infinite loop. If not, it's going to return a error, as Stat() doesn't return a list(or anything, really). |