RIP. Yes, BYOND is worse than a lot of things. Personally I think it spent too much time being the same thing.
All that aside, I was offering alternatives to donations that would actually benefit developers of serious games. I suppose in a way donating to BYOND is donating money to support a brand's continued existence more than donating to support indie developers. Maybe I should've rephrased it better. If you want to support indie developers and the rise of legitimately good games, you're probably better off donating to kickstarter campaigns instead of BYOND. Because even though we hide the fangames from the front page, their rips make up most of what BYOND is.
![]() Jun 23 2015, 8:42 pm
![]() Jun 23 2015, 2:23 pm
If Lugia annoys you, block him. There's no need to feed.
Instead of putting the blame on BYOND for rips, why don't you blame the developers for either releasing the source or blame the people that leaked the source.
Just because BYOND is "full of rips" does not mean that they had anything to do with it, it is NOT up to BYOND to police the things developers do with their source. So please, stop whinging you've only been back a few days and you're already back to it and I for one am sick of it. One would've been thought with all your time away you would of learn't that complaining won't get you anywhere here... |
If you don't like my posts, you can block me. Apparently allcaps has decided to make a community effort to block me which is, quite frankly rather silly. But the tools to remove unwanted posts are there, if you choose to use them.
I'm not blaming BYOND for rips. I'm not even blaming BYOND for anything. I'm stating that the content of BYOND as it stands now is full of rips (poorly made/modified ones too). Unfortunately though, (and this is just speculation) I think BYOND did have something to do with it, even if its only action was being a good breeding ground for these rips. BYOND attracts the userbase that feeds into these rips rather easily. If I'm using bait to catch trout and I catch trout, would you blame me for catching the trout or the trout for being caught? (Actually that sounds like an interesting discussion) So in a way you can blame BYOND for being a good environment for this sort of thing, but I don't think it's BYOND's fault as in BYOND went out and actively promoted this. |
Lugia319 wrote:
If you don't like my posts, you can block me. Apparently allcaps has decided to make a community effort to block me which is, quite frankly rather silly. But the tools to remove unwanted posts are there, if you choose to use them. I'm not going to block you, I shouldn't have too. You just need to fix your attitude, you've been a member here for awhile and if I remember correctly even a moderator at one stage? Correct me there. Seriously you seem like a smart guy, just use those skill in a constructive way, either be it for the benefit of BYOND (By making a killer game) or using another framework. What you're doing now is disrespectful, garbage and a motivation killer. We want people to make games, make their ideas come true regardless of if they're terrible, fan games, rips or not financially beneficial (hopefully one will be, some day) to BYOND. What we don't need is some guy telling existing and new developers that the engine is shit, the community is shit, the entire idea of BYOND is shit... When it's not, when you know the limits and they fit around your project it can be a perfect fit. What we do need, is a killer game and a team that know's how to market it for the benefit of both themselves and BYOND as a whole. So again, please just stop. It's not helping anyone... |
Never been a mod. Never wanted the job, really.
We want people to make games, make their ideas come true regardless of if they're terrible, fan games, rips or not financially beneficial (hopefully one will be, some day) to BYOND. I agree What we don't need is some guy telling existing and new developers that the engine is shit, the community is shit, the entire idea of BYOND is shit... When it's not, when you know the limits and they fit around your project it can be a perfect fit. I disagree. Knowing the limitations of engines allows developers to pick which engine is best for their project. Are you going to inserting a lot of elements at the top of a list? Well you certainly wouldn't use a vector for that. Do you want to be able to access elements of a list using the "direct access operator"? (I'm not sure if that's its official name or not) Then you certainly don't want to use a stack or a queue. Being able to provide feedback on ideas is an important part of the design process that I wish more games on here went through so someone could tell them what might go wrong with it. It's actually incredibly helpful. Believe it or not, I'm not spewing BYOND hate. I'm spewing BYOND information which is being perceived as hate because it's not blind admiration. So again, please just stop. It's not helping anyone... If it sparks intelligent discussion, then it has helped someone. |
On the topic of blocking people, I think I'm going to block A.T.H.K. if I ever see him type "learn't" on these forums again. That was the most appalling butchering of the English language I've seen all year.
Am I the only one here who's baffled that a guy with an inuyasha avatar and the name of a Pokémon is preaching about byond being full of rips? Must just be me thinking that.
Lugia319 wrote:
Because even though we hide the fangames from the front page, their rips make up most of what BYOND is. This is the front page if I am correct? ![]() Wait, they hide fan games from the front page? Because I still see fan games!!! ... |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
On the topic of blocking people, I think I'm going to block A.T.H.K. if I ever see him type "learn't" on these forums again. That was the most appalling butchering of the English language I've seen all year. Hmmm seems to be my auto correct by default, blame Google and HTC for that one.. I might block myself while I'm at it... |
Greggreg31 wrote:
Lugia319 wrote: Wooooo only number 3 :( |
Don't see why you're disappointed OR proud, you don't have anything to do with the game's success. You've contributed absolutely nothing original to yourself to that rip, as far as I can tell.
Don't see why you're disappointed OR proud, you don't have anything to do with the game's success. You've contributed absolutely nothing original to yourself to that rip, as far as I can tell. Coming from the guy who's contributed nothing original to all of BYOND, ever. Does anyone else detect some irony in that statement? |
Yea it really irks me when he says things like that considering he worked on a Zeta rip himself to. (One of the mostp popular ones there is too.)
Adding insult to injury, if you look at his only creation, it was forcibly removed because of copyright infringement. So he had to repost it.
#TheMoreYouKnow |
My issue is, people hate on fan-games for no apparent reason then turn around and play them or make one in future days. I've seen this with MULTIPLE people but then come on the forums to poke fingers in the ass of fan-gamers.
Originally designed fan-games get no credit anymore, it's as if they're disregarding the fact that we too work just as hard on our fan-game than them on their original game... and 9/10, the fan-game usually ALWAYS comes out on top. So *Shrugs*, I just sit back and let numbers surprise people over and over. |
We don't have a choice. Developous has stated on multiple occasions that anime games defy the will of the Nexus. Just because you choose to blaspheme against the Nexian code of conduct doesn't mean I have to. I prefer to obey the rules so I don't end up with a Nex bounty on my head.
Be forewarned - a Nexus death mandates you never play a game again. |