Seriously, I swear half of you guys go into these fangames LOOKING to insult them. And if you want to call yourself a critic, that's the last thing you want to do. Yes, you shouldn't expect much of anything good, but you shouldn't go in looking to beat them up. Can't help but feel like that makes you biased.
If you have a strong feeling you're going to dislike a game, don't play it. I highly doubt that any of you are reviewing for a website or something as your job, so really what your reviews turn into is a power fantasy where you somehow believe that you've descended from on high to smite the game. When really, you just volunteered to play something you thought you'd dislike ahead of time just to get a few cheap laughs. Seriously, that's pretty pathetic.
I know this sounds like it goes against my "Don't split the community" posts but stop. You don't need to attack fangames. The people that play them (aside from you) don't read the forums and if they did, they certainly wouldn't care. Just ignore the games you don't plan on ever liking. Odds are you're probably like me and you don't play games and just forum post anyway :^)
teal deers are for scrubs and this one was short anyway
Jun 28 2015, 1:04 am
I agree Lugia, let fan-games stay. They do nothing wrong but help expand the community
Lugia, why didn't you post this as a response to NNAAAAHH instead of creating a new topic?
From what I can tell he's the only person on BYOND writing fan game reviews. |
In response to Zecronious
He's actually not, Kats also went in on the witch hunt not too long ago, and I believe we used to have a series called BYOND Panel or something that went around "interviewing" which turned into witch hunts any time the fangame community gets involved. In fact it seems like the forum users are determined to hate the fangame community almost exclusively on the basis of "it's a fangame" or "it uses outdated ideas". Which is odd, considering Realm of the Mad God is a popular mmo which uses oldtimey ideas. Mario has changed its formula like 3 times, usually for spin-off games and no one calls Mario out for being a platformer. So I guess at the end of the day, I'm faulting these reviewers for their hypocrisy?
That said, while it would be gratifying to put all caps in his place, I felt that a more general approach was necessary if only to show that there's even more mucked up with this community that its given credit for. If you're going out of your way to hate BYOND games (and before you all target me, no that's not what I do. Hating BYOND and finding a better alternative is the difference between hating bacon and recognizing that instead of bacon you could add an orange to your breakfast) then you're probably bored and need to find a hobby. Personally I recommend reading. |
In response to Lugia319
So your beef is with Kats and NNAAAAHH then. I dunno what this BYOND panel thing is but it's not around any more.
Don't make this sound like a community issue. There's literally only 1 person who's writing reviews on fan games right now. |
In response to Zecronious
It's a community issue because the topic isn't "Stop reviewing games you expect to be crap". The topic is stop witch hunting fangames. Because any conversation that turns to fangames will inevitably bring out the devil in people because they're so gosh darn frustrated that fangames on the whole are the most successful games BYOND hosts. (Or they'll say it's about IP or something, but let's be real; it's an envy issue)
In response to Lugia319
Well yeah. Fan games take a theme that already has a huge fan base and then grabs players from that.
People who write games that don't initially have a fan base are always gonna be jealous because they have to do more work. To add insult to injury they don't even usually try to do a good game. The programming is usually horrible and the art is barely passable. |
In response to Zecronious
What I find interesting about that is that promotes the idea that a game's worth is measured by its consumers. If you want to go down that route, your game can be sold, theirs cannot. So if one person buys your game it's better? But if you're not going to go down that line and instead go down by the "art is created not because it should be but because it must be" then you're kinda defying the inspiration that makes you a developer?
All that aside: To add insult to injury they don't even usually try to do a good game. The programming is usually horrible and the art is barely passable. I can't help but be reminded of the integral test for convergence. Let me get this straight. People are complaining that their "good game" with "good programming and art" is not as popular as the dung they scoff at? A franchise can only carry a game so far (See: E.T.) and considering all of those fangames are free there's no cash investment keeping players in (See: Free to Play model). So I can't help but feel as though this "better game" is doing worse because it's actually not better. That or it's not available or unknown for one reason or another. Both of these conditions are, of course, reparable by the developer themselves. So you can't blame fangames for being better games or more popular games. |
In response to WorldWideDuelist
WorldWideDuelist wrote:
I agree Lugia, let fan-games stay. They do nothing wrong but help expand the communityI mean, they're illegal, but yeah. I got no beef with the idea of fangames. I've worked on a couple Star Wars games with F0lak. I played a Stargate game once. I've kicked a few logs in my time. Although I didn't join BYOND for fangames in particular (believe it or not), the first game I joined was Zaole's Raegon, a Chao-related RPG thing. My problem is with the ripped sources that end up spreading the worst programming practices and cliche game mechanics. I think this is a common view, too. Fangames get a bad reputation because most of these problem sources are fangames. |
In response to Lugia319
Sure, if you measure a game's success by number of players which seems like a fair measurement then their game is actually better.
Their art may be worse. Their code may be worse but overall the gameplay must be better if more people it. People will always say 'that game is shit' though. Because they know someone with inferior art and/or code can make a better game than they can. There's a number of games that have been on BYOND which are original and everyone kissed their ass but actually they were awful games. |
I'm a pretty bad programmer (due to laziness). . . So yes, i'm one to talk. But most of the people that crap on fangames don't produce qualities games themselves. And the original games that they harp so much about don't have a player count because really. . They're not fun. The fangames that have great pops aren't great either, but they fill a niche. It's just that simple. Believe me, if I could find a legitimate Naruto RPs/DBZ RP, or even a competent DBZ MMO, I'd be on it so freaking fast. And I can get why they're angry or why they have some a passionate distaste towards all-things fanbased. After all, you put in a lot of work to produce a game, then these rips spawn and outshines you. (And yes, them being from popular IPs help the pop. But at the end of the day, if you have a quality game, you'd do fine regardless. So long as you market it.) Also on a side note, I've played quite a few byond games. And uhm, I'd have to say that the best ones have been based off of anime. (Though many have been discontinued) |
In response to Gtgoku55
But most of the people that crap on fangames don't produce qualities games themselves. And the original games that they harp so much about don't have a player count because really. . They're not fun. Well put. |
Developers should re-evaluate their target audience. The fan-gamers are specifically looking for fan-games. That's fine if you want to draw in that sort of crowd, but most of them tend to be, well, meh.
Its all about advertising. I suggest naming your game Naruto or DBZ; even if its not related. At least people will look at your game. |
That's like... 90% of my day. What else am I supposed to do while I pretend to get work done?
i like how the fan-game kiddies think their AFK simulator games are the best BYOND has ever seen.
even developous games are more entertaining, at least he comes up with detailed, original storylines. |
In response to Zecronious
Zecronious wrote:
But most of the people that crap on fangames don't produce qualities games themselves. And the original games that they harp so much about don't have a player count because really. . They're not fun. Indeed all the original games are either boring, offline, boring offline with downloadable host files, and no players. |
Fan-games don't appeal to game design. They appeal to people with similar interest. The people who play them aren't looking for good games. In fact, they were probably searching google for a specific anime MMO.
All game-engines have their fare share of fan projects. The only difference with BYOND is that you can rip/sell copyrighted work. |
I agree, the entire animosity towards fan games is silly. I feel it's just the bulk of the active forum go-ers being bitter that they're games (or games they feel are superior) can't hold a solid playerbase.