Why does Windows (Any version) Steal my harddrive space? I checked my C: drive with Properties, and it says im using 40 GB. Then when I open C: and then select all, even hidden files, and hit Properties, it comes up 21.1 GB. So Windows its basically stealling 18.9 GB of my space, [expletive deleted]!

[Moderator note: Even abbreviating bad language doesn't make it okay. Don't use those abbreviations.]
Sometimes computers stack their OS on the same drive, which usually doesn't happen now.

Its usually just the windows folder, and services that the computer needs, and the stocked programs that come with it.

It doesn't "steal" it, it needs it.
In response to Karasu Kami
No OS should need 20 gig ;)
Nah, methinks its a hardware error, or you could try partition what you have left and get a linux install and see what that says. :)
In response to Maz
I love Linux, but my brother says not to install it without him or ill destroy my comp =(
In response to Metroid
Okay, well you can try a OSLauncher, it will edit your Master Boot Record (The first thing the computer looks at as it loads up) and then you can check your PC's stats. Then you can check if its not software but hardware dependant. But have caution with editing your MBR. I can vouch for as I use it to load Linux and Windoze XP.
Metroid wrote:
Why does Windows (Any version) Steal my harddrive space? I checked my C: drive with Properties, and it says im using 40 GB. Then when I open C: and then select all, even hidden files, and hit Properties, it comes up 21.1 GB. So Windows its basically stealling 18.9 GB of my space, [expletive deleted]!

[Moderator note: Even abbreviating bad language doesn't make it okay. Don't use those abbreviations.]

Windows isn't the greatest at knowing how much space a directory and the files contained in it use up. One, or both, of those numbers is wrong.
In response to Jon88
But still, should it really be a 20 Gb difference?
Yeah as noted before it's probably some hard drive errors. I've had windows 98 screw up by large amounts before, but after running scandisk it seemed to fix the problem.
In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
Okay, well you can try a OSLauncher, it will edit your Master Boot Record (The first thing the computer looks at as it loads up) and then you can check your PC's stats. Then you can check if its not software but hardware dependant. But have caution with editing your MBR. I can vouch for as I use it to load Linux and Windoze XP.

Alright Ill try that and tell you the results, though when I installed Windows in the first place, it said I had a 78.3 GB harddrive, yet when I used the thing once again on windows I got a 40.1 and a 30.2 so thats 70.3 GB, Im missing 8 -_-
In response to Metroid
Some of that is swap and some is extra partion space left blank for furture use.
In response to Metroid
*Whacks head on desk*
Try running scandisk. It's much less risky than editing Master Boot Records, and it's probablary faster. It should find the fault very quickly. This has happened to me twice, but seeing as I only have an 8 gig hard drive on my gaming PC, it never makes much difference (only 100mb or so).