Here are some Ph.D. certified tests from tickle on IQ. You have to sign up for an account, but it's not too much work to do that. They are good tests that use the IQ formula to calculate your IQ (Well, one of them doesn't give an IQ number, but answers correct/wrong instead.).

I would like to hear other people's scores on this!

They are similar, but different (if that makes sense) tests:

My score on this one: 24/30 questions right

Here is the IQ number giving test:

My IQ based on this test: 131

In both tests, my strongest point was recognizing patterns, especially image patterns.

"Your IQ score is 120"
"we can tell your Intellectual Type is an Insightful Linguist."

=/ Not as good as I thought I would do...

(To lazy to take the first one :P)
Congratulations, Daniel!
Your IQ score is 131

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Congratulations, Dan!
Your IQ score is 129

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results.

Thats about right. I have always used big words, I could lose most adults at the age of 6. But, as Lexy said, I don't bite into these things to much. This was a rather good IQ test though because it didnt ask for what you knew, I have seen many that ask you thinks like "Who was the 21st President?". Well, a question like that doesn't test anything but their ability to store and recall info. That does, however, match up with my real state givin IQ test, so, either they guess well, or it isn't too bad.
I don't normally do these things, because I put no stock in actual IQ tests, to say nothing of "PhD certified scientific IQ tests" you find on a website designed to sell detailed analyses of the results to casual browsers, but I was bored.

I won't be posting what it says my IQ is... I'm not ashamed of what I got... hell, if I cared what people think my IQ is, I'd make up a high but plausible number and nobody would know the difference. Since I have no assurance that anybody else would report their actual scores, I choose to keep mine to myself. :P

It pegged my intellectual type as "Facts Curator"... and I'm sure the label fits, up to a point, but it's an extremely one dimensional analysis... trying to judge somebody's ability to retain and use knowledge and information is a lot harder and more subjective than it is to gauge versus ttheir mathematical ablities, logic, or spational reasoning.

The only "knowledge" questions I saw were the ones that had the test-taker finish famous quotes by great thinkers. I can state confidently that I didn't answer any of these wrongly (which is probably why I fell into the category I did), but some of them it would also have been possible to reason out the answer by the context of the quote... similarly, with many of the mathematic and spatial puzzles, there are different approaches to solving them which would involve invoking different abilities.

On the other one, I got 29/30 correct, which measures in the 99th percentile overall, and in the 100th percentile in quantitative ability.
I took the 'What Breed of Dog Are You?' test and it said I was a Chihuahua, I highly disagree with that though, although I did find some very near characteristics.
In response to Scoobert
I got 127, but I dont think they actually rate you on which ones you got wrong/right. They just give a big amazing description for each IQ range, like 100 = 120 is Insightful Linguist, and stuff. I was curious, and took the test and put the first option for each one. I got an 80, and although I forgot the exact description for my IQ, it said things like, "You are equally good at math and verbal skills" (Since a person who got this rating wouldnt even have any math/verbal skills >.>)
A IQ test with 30 questions is in my opinion one you souldnt take to serious. Cant be bothered to take the test =P i really dont give a *piep* about my IQ, cuz is that something you need in life? Its not like the heigher ur IQ the better person you are, or the more money you make.

Still, guess its fun, though maybe you made it at 5 am drugged with cola and someone else made it in the afternoon with "concentarion improving medecine" or whatever :P

Greetz Fint
On the first one, I got 29/30 and measured in the 99th percentile overall, and 100th percentile in 'quantitative ability'.

On the second one, I got an IQ of 140, and an Intellectual Type of 'Visionary Philosopher', which would explain why the nice IQ score isn't helping me a hell of a lot. Philosophers never were a well paid bunch...
<big>Congratulations, Ken!</big>
Your IQ score is 126

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each set of those questions, which reveals the way your brain uniquely works.

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is an Inspired Inventor.

This means you've got exceptional verbal and mathematical skills, and are very good at brainstorming new ideas. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Okay, so I guess according to this thing I'm only at 126. I have no clue what the average is and I really don't care, but this is what it gave me and it sounds like me, so it can't be too far off.

I didn't bother to take the other one yet, but these are pretty fun when bored.

In response to Hedgemistress
Yeah, it kind of confused me that they used the quotes, because I thought IQ tests were supposed to test your ability to process and not how much you know. Then I figured out that even though it wasn't the best way to test your way to process, you could process the most logical answer to the quote.
In response to Fint
IQ tests are fun because they can compare your ability to process knowledge with other people who take the test, and show you in case you were lazy in a field of thinking, that you can achieve in that field when you previously thought you couldn't.

I was amazed how much of an easy time I had on this, considering the last time I took this test was in 2001 and I got a 110, and the questions baffled me, when now I breezed through almost all of them. I was especially amazed when I saw how good I was at processing the math questions, considering math is my worst field.
In response to NeoHaxor
I got this off of the website after searching for a while to try to find the average:

The intelligence quotient (IQ) measures the ratio of a person's intellectual age to his/her chronological age. Most people's IQs are between 70 and 130. In fact, 95% of all people have IQs within that range.

People who are considered to have average intelligence normally have an IQ around 100. Your IQ is between 120-144. This means that your intelligence is extremely higher than average.
In response to Zaole

I was curious, and took the test and put the first option for each one. I got an 80, and although I forgot the exact description for my IQ, it said things like, "You are equally good at math and verbal skills"

Actually, that does make sense... if you picked answers at random (and picking first one each time is effectively that), then you still would've got some answers right at random... and there's an equal you would've got a given math question right or wrong as you would've got a given verbal question right or wrong.

(Since a person who got this rating wouldnt even have any math/verbal skills >.>)

If it was giving answers based on the range of IQ and not the sorts of questions got right, it wouldn't have used the phrase 'equally good' when describing an IQ 20 points below average. It's pretty obvious based on the data you just gave theat the description/analysis ignores your overall score and only looks at what you did best at.
In response to Kunark
That demonstrates a large flaw with the test. :P Your IQ shouldn't jump twenty-some points in the course of three years... in fact, it shouldn't change that much at all, because as you posted elsewhere, it's a ranking of how you do on average against people in your own age group.

This test doesn't question you about your age at the beginning and then tailor the questions to match, which tells me it's probably calibrated for an adult level. I imagine you're not an adult and are still in school, so what has happened here is that you got some higher level math skills that equipped you better for dealing with the number pattern recognition ones and your score went up.
In response to Hedgemistress
That is what I am thinking. Because I have always been good at recognizing visual patterns as with the shapes and colors, but before I was terrible at the word problems (Like the jill is taller than bill, and phil is taller than jill, etc.) or number pattern problems. If I remember right, both of those were the majority of the questions, so maybe that explains it.

I do know that the only question which I really think refered to geometry baffled me. It was the one where the two people travel opposite directions then travel 6 miles to their left.
In response to Kunark
Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

I'm not creative or artistic. Lies! =P

Visionary Philosopher

apparently it said i can explani stuff well... you follow me right? 'Cuz I used some big werdz theyre... Myabe, like we should... ummm.... eat sumpfink?

O_o Answering questions does not define who you are as a human being.... IQ is too subjective, them shape things was hard... =P

anyway, what I'm saying is: multiple choice don' work, there were like three I just guessed on because of the answers and they were right when I looked at them again...

I'm not even that smart either, I just can proces information accurately and quickly, doesn't mean I can do too much with my mind. I suck at math, I'm a decent writer, and mediocre at remembering damn near anything.

Plain and simple... IQ scale, to my memory is something like:

Potato: 1
Braindead: 2-19
Retarded: 20-70
Below Average: 71 - 89
Average: 90-115
Above Average: 116 - 130
Genius: 131+
Hawking: 173
In response to Fint
in general, I think that IQ actually makes people tend to be bigger assholes.

It's like a pie chart, you gots 200 points, of these, you subtract your IQ, and then here's the gague for what's left:

130+: loveable retard
100-130: Freindly
70-99: can be an ass at times
40-69: total bastard
39-: absolute jerkoff

yeah, and for those stupid people who still manage to be total assholes, yeah, they are robots, you should bash them with the nearest blunt object... hrm... hrm... They might take over if you don't...
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