May 19 2004, 1:11 pm
I need accurate date/place/cause of death on Ray Bradbury, and my english teacher told me he's dead but I can't find any biographies that tell me hes dead. I even found a website called, listing if certain people are dead or not, and it says hes alive.
In response to digitalmouse
I heard that he died. We studied him earlier. He didnt trust computers, so he always used an old fashioned typewriter.
He wrote Farenheight 451, which is an interesting book. Its about the future, but it was written so long ago, his future is our present. A lot of his predictions were (Strangely) VERY correct, but...He also predicted that cars would go so fast, that billboards had to be 200 feet long so you could see them as you drove by. Hehe. The book is about how he thinks that firemen will, in his future, burn books instead of put out fires. Books would be illegal, and anyone caught with them would get in HUGE trouble, and they would get their house burnt down. People would come to watch, cause they just liked to watch the "Fireworks". It was very good. |
In response to digitalmouse
Yes, I had already found that bio, I was just wondering if anyone had found info confirming my English teachers thoughts. I searched for two hours on it last night and couldnt find anything but a post on a message board that said he was dead, which I dont take as fact. I told my english teacher and he just told me to look harder. I hate my english teacher.
In response to Jotdaniel
Let me guess, you're English teacher still calls the internet is the information super highway?
If he is dead, it happened a few weeks ago or something. Although it hasn't been mentioned in the websites forum. Just compile some information that indicates why he is still alive, then challange your English teacher to prove that he is in fact dead. You'll have done enough (probably more then enough) research and data-sorting on the subject, so it will be obvious to your English teacher that you're not just trying to get out of work. |
In response to Jotdaniel
Ray Bradbury spoke about the President's space travel plans on April 15th and is about to release a book called 'Too Soon From the Cave, Too Far From the Stars' at the rope old age of 83. |
google is your friend (I did a search for "ray bradbury" and this was the first result). :p
still alive, and still writing, according to the bio.