ID:188293 my.php?loc=img12&image=untitled33.jpg

See what I circled?I think it should be a little earth with the balls orbiting it like in the BYOND as the O.It would be very small to notice but hey ,if someone did notice it maybe they would think that byond would be a good website since many of those do not have their own icon.Just a suggestion ,though.

I think that in IE it happens on, and, but none of the pages within.
However FireFox displays it all the time. Which is strange, because a Webmonkey tutorial on the subject claimed it was a MSIE only feature.

[Edit] Oh that's right. I just checked, and it only shows up (in MSIE) when you have the domain book marked (ie, bookmark this page, then look at any of the pages on and you'll see it).
Looks like Microsoft thought up the idea and Mozilla did it right, I never thought I'd see the day that happened. =P
In response to DarkView
Oh I see it now!Thanks!