The problem is, I won the Byond-Scape contest and was sent $10.00 to my Paypal account which has not been verified (hasn't got a credit card added). Would it be possible for me to send the $10.00 to another Paypal account without having to add a credit card to my account? If so would that person be kind enough to log into my account and add a subscription with their Paypal account. They of course will be using the $10.00 I send them and will not be loosing anything.

Thanks in regards
I'll do it if you want, i'm bored, so i have nothing better to do. (I'm familiar with paying for things with Paypal.)
In response to Karasu Kami
Karasu actually is a renounced criminal.

He stole my first born from me, so watch out.

In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
Karasu actually is a renounced criminal.

He stole my first born from me, so watch out.


Daddy! It's me, your first born! =D

Now, where's all my birthday presents from the past 17 years? >.>
In response to Goku72
uhh... I hope he was joking about that
In response to SquallX7
No, i wasn't, hmmm..must have been DM that deleted it. Figures.

Wouldn't be suprised if this was done away with too.
In response to Karasu Kami
conair i need to talk to you on msn : [email protected]