I was at and found a website that turned webpages into either piglatin ,moron,hacker,or some other languages.Look at this though dialectp.cgi?dialect=hckr&

Isn't that weird lol.
Ahaha, that's so cool, do the "Redneck" setting on ahahaha...

In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
Ahaha, that's so cool, do the "Redneck" setting on ahahaha...


Lol maybe if we put the guide to coding in Moron form maybe they will understand it :P
In response to DBThunderProduction
Heh come to think of it.You know that google translation?Maybe they did something like this does.
In response to Kujila
Hey, STIX0R FIGHTAR is on the hub! I've always wanted to play that game. Same with bacchanjal and lExicdon0my.
Believe it or not, I actually use the Dialectizer at my day job. Every couple months I need to know whether something in the company's network is visible to the outside world, and I can test it by putting the URL into the Dialectizer...
In response to Crispy
Was that set for hacker or dyslexic?
In response to Jotdaniel
I'm not sure. Probably both.