Hey guys, just wondering about your opinion about open source things on BYOND. I'm sure it'd crack down alot on all of the DBZ rips and icon trading 'games'. Because then, they couldn't make their own game out of it, but they could make their own 'distro' of it. That way, we might finally be able to put all of the open source BYOND games into an OpenSource section, of which they will no longer bother us. Only problem is, we'd have to get the makers of the original Zeta/icon 'game' things to approve converting it to open source. And then, we could create groups to make new open source games. Since Zeta and Icon Trading 'games' are almost already open source, I think it'd be a great idea. :)

However, give your feedback, I'm willing to look at all options for open source on BYOND. Not just for Zeta games and icon 'games'.
Scoobert already had an ideas similar to this with OpenRPG. There's a bwicki page, just search on
I think open source should take a backseat to closed source. What we need more is the ability to create libraries dll style where functions are available but you cannot see them or mess with them. If that were done, I think many more people would release things for use by others. Taking credit for someone elses work is all too common around here, and that is one reason many people do not create anything for other people. Once that is implemented (hopefully it will be for version 4) then it might be wise to create an Open Source channel for games which are open source and have many variations of the original hanging around.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
I think open source should take a backseat to closed source. What we need more is the ability to create libraries dll style where functions are available but you cannot see them or mess with them. If that were done, I think many more people would release things for use by others. Taking credit for someone elses work is all too common around here, and that is one reason many people do not create anything for other people. Once that is implemented (hopefully it will be for version 4) then it might be wise to create an Open Source channel for games which are open source and have many variations of the original hanging around.

Half the reason BYOND libraries have source code visible is so their functionality is clear. Moreover, what you don't like you can still learn from and use in another way. Open sourcing libraries hasn't really been a problem for BYOND.

That said, though, open source in general does have lots of drawbacks, and I agree with you when you say it should take a backseat to closed source. In BYOND libraries, however, clearly this has been beneficial.

Lummox JR
An OpenSource section would not bother me. However, what does open source have to do with not being able to make a complete game out of something? If you release the code, graphics and sound, what's left? Sure, there are some bad projects out there, but open source does not mean "incomplete garbage that you have to work for weeks with to get running".

Personally, I'm happy enough when someone releases their source files. The more source files released, the less worries about the hub being clogged with specific games. Forming communities might be a little much because many might not care to donate while someone has to run it if they do. Unfortunately, it might be the only way to make the presense of the authors known without going to court (or shoving more work onto the hub moderators).
In response to ACWraith
ACWraith wrote:
The more source files released, the less worries about the hub being clogged with specific games.

You have that backwords. The more there are released the more the hub is clogged with specific games. And I do believe that is the whole idea behind an open source channel, so they all don't clog the main part of the hub up.
In response to Dragon of Ice
Ya, OpenRPG is a attempt at making people see the good in OpenSourced projects, but It hasnt gone far. This is mainly because I have been working on FlashChat when ever possible. I like the idea of open sourced because everyone can contribute. And people "ripping" normaly gives the creater of the project rights to anything he adds into the game, well, idea wise(as long as it is stated in the ToS or terms of use). This can cause some great creativity.
In response to Loduwijk
About that dll type thing, it could probably be used to easily create external map editors for projects that have more than one person working on them, and so the actual programming for those games couldn't get leaked.
In response to Goku72
About that dll type thing, it could probably be used to easily create external map editors for projects that have more than one person working on them,

It's quite easy to make a trimmed down version of the game only provide the datum prototypes which can be used to make maps. Just look how I did it with my Racing Game.

and so the actual programming for those games couldn't get leaked.

Gah it always annoys me when people use programming or coding as nouns for source code. It's either source code or code for short.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
ACWraith wrote:
The more source files released, the less worries about the hub being clogged with specific games.

You have that backwords. The more there are released the more the hub is clogged with specific games.

Nope, he has it quite forwards. Your attitude here seems to be that rips are created by open source projects, as if the released code packages themselves are creating the rips. News flash: rips (at least the outright worst ones) are created by novice "programmers" who don't have a prayer of creating a worthwhile playable game from scratch (or at least not anytime soon). Open source policy doesn't have anything to do with it, because even if open-sourcing was outright prohibited people would still work around it; moreover, regardless of how many open-sourced games are available, the number of rips will remain relatively steady proportionate to the number of "mod-class" programmers. No, if you want to stop the hub from being clogged with copycat games, there is one solution and only one solution: ban the newbies! Anyone who honestly thinks that this is a necessary and/or reasonable step to take should feel free to take a nice big step off of a very short pier, preferably into a lake full of radioactive scorpions.

However, while decreasing the number of open-source games isn't going to eliminate them, making more open-source projects, and higher-quality ones, means in turn that you'll end up with a collection of rips which are more diverse and higher-quality. The reason that there were a million and twelve rips of the infamous "Dragonball Zeta" wasn't necessarily that there was a huge population of DBZ fanatics, so much as it was the simple fact that it was there. If a newbie arrived and they wanted an off-the-shelf project to work on they had very, very few choices, so DB Zeta it was--even if they'd only barely heard of DBZ.

As the number of good open-source projects increases, the hub moves from being clogged with many clones of a few specific games to being "clogged" with a more or less equal amount of clones divided amongst many different games; plus, greater open-source efforts encourage healthier attitudes towards the whole affair. As it is, every time an open-source project pops up everyone screams their head off about "OMG TEH RIPZ!!11!!111". Borrowing code--no matter how freely distributed it is, or how much modding is encouraged--is so heavily stigmatized that it encourages people to claim false credit for open-source works, rather than admit to being one of THE DREADED RIPPERS (dun dun dun). Not that some of that wouldn't happen anyways--but it certainly doesn't help that known "rippers" tend to be held in the same regard as serial child molesters. Creating legitimate "modding" communities would go a long ways towards lightening the atmosphere around here.

Note that I still quite agree that open-source should take a backseat to closed-source. That's "backseat", however, not "open-source should be bound and gagged in the trunk of closed-source's car."
In response to Leftley
That was taking it a bit far, and no I won't step off a pier into a lake of radioactive scorpians. Calm down and keep your pants on.

And your strange reasoning does not fit. Open source projects will spawn more games that use pre-existing code, whether they be all the same, a nice multitude of diversity, or even all being completely different. Also, I never said that all the spin offs needed to be stopped; so don't go putting words into my mouth. The topic was about creating an Open Source channel (Doesn't have to be called Open Source, that's just what we are calling it for conversation's sake) in which games can go if they are merely modifications of an allready existing game. There is nothing wrong with that idea, in fact it is a good idea. If people play through most of the published games and want to find something else, they can go browse through the Open Source section to find variations of some of the games they just played.

If you don't like the idea and think that all spin offs should go right alongside the originals in the main channels then that's fine, you are entitled to your oppinion; but don't get all upset and vent your sarcastic threats on account of my oppinion.
This reminds me I made A DBZ game and a IC game a fre months back..they werents rips or even based of ZETA or Lights code..I coded them all by myself and my IC game has a build system just like IC!!! The dbz game was cool..
In response to Leftley
Leftley wrote:
regardless of how many open-sourced games are available, the number of rips will remain relatively steady proportionate to the number of "mod-class" programmers.

I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure providing them with a source of acceptable free games would make it so that the average "mod-class" programmer would release one of each type (as he/she got bored). That's based on the fact that these programmers are really just playing the games when it comes down to it.
That wouldn't effect live that much however, because you only ever play a game at a time, but I think it would have a huge effect on the amount of garbage hub entries.
In response to Loduwijk
You're entirely missing the point. Rippers will always create rips. If there's only Zeta for them to rip, then you end up with a hundred Zeta rips. This is obviously bad, especially as Zeta sucks so much (both in gameplay, and programming-wise). However, if there are fifty different open-source projects, there will still be around a hundred rips, because there are no more people to work on them than there were before; and there will be, on average, only two rips of each game. Which is vastly, VASTLY preferable to the current situation.

You may think that more open-source games leads to more rips, but it ain't necessarily so. I've seen people's hub listings filled with ten Zeta rips at a time. They wouldn't have ten Zeta rips AND ten OpenRPG rips AND ten Bob the Hack'n'Slasher rips all at once. They'd be more likely to have three or four of each.
In response to Loduwijk
Well..what if the libs code someow interfears with the main code...they should be able to an editable lib or an non editable lib which would be a .dll
In response to Goku72
Thats a good idea!

In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
And your strange reasoning does not fit. Open source projects will spawn more games that use pre-existing code,

Y'know, I was being sarcastic when I said "Your attitude here seems to be that rips are created by open source projects, as if the released code packages themselves are creating the rips", but here you come right out and say it. Open-source projects do not automatically distribute clones of themselves, virus-like, throughout the hub; such clones are spawned by BYOND's user base, and in particular by newer programmers who are more eager to get something they can slap online (be it a full-featured open-source game, or just a two-line snippet for a chat verb) than they are to learn how to program. For sake of argument I will refer to these simply as "newbies", although it must be stressed that not all who are newbies in the conventional sense actually fall into this category. With that disclaimer, we can amend your statement to the much more accurate "Newbies will spawn more games that use pre-existing code".

DarkView does raise a relevant point by suggesting that such newbies simply go through all available open-source projects one by one and spawn a knockoff of each, but I believe that he vastly overstates the impact of this effect. For one thing, each newbie has a limited amount of time to invest, and despite appearances these knock-off projects often do represent a fairly considerable amount of time investment. For another, I tend to be optomistic enough to believe that most people grow out of this phase in a pretty reasonable amount of time--and even if they don't, many of them will wander away from BYOND on their own. Rather than saying that the number of knock-off games is completely independent of the number of open-source projects, I suppose it would be more accurate for me to say that there's simply a saturation point beyond which open-source availability is no longer an issue--but this happens to be a very low point, especially since it's possible to observe newbies regurgitating multiple knock-offs of the same single open-source project in the absence of others to work off of.

Moreover, suppose that you managed to completely eliminate all open-source projects, thereby preventing any knock-offs at all from being produced. What do you gain? That's not going to stop the newbies--they're still going to slap together crappy games from whatever is available (the examples in the reference guide, if nothing else) and choke the hub with them. Encouraging open-source games provides a more constructive outlet for this impulse.

The same principle applies to hub divisions, as well. Sure, you could shove open source projects into their own section--with largely the same result. If you swept all of the "ICON TRADER EXTREEEEMZ" and "DBZ OMFG ULTRA (NOT A ZETA RIP REALLY!!!!)" off of the main hub listings (which would either require complete cooperation from users, or a much heavier hub-monitoring workload), do you really think that the hub would get any better? Maybe for a day or two, until the authors of said games start working on "all-new original" projects to put up on the hub. Getting a newbie to stop making "rips" isn't going to magically make them any more able to produce unique, quality games.

Now if you're looking at the prospect of an open source channel from a purely organizational standpoint (rather than the standpoint of trying to screen out shoddy projects), there would definitely be some merit to some sort of "open-source" or "based on" designation filled out on a semi-voluntary basis, but actually creating a seperate channel for it seems rather silly--what player is going to log onto the BYOND Games site and say to themselves "Gee, I want to play a game that's open-source!" They might be looking for a particular game which happens to be open-source, or a certain modded version of an open-sourced game, but having them go looking for it in an "Open Source" channel would be just as arbitrary as creating channels for "Games with the letter 'K' in their title", "Games that were created on a Tuesday", or any number of other silly categories. I'm all for the encouragement of (and even some potential enforcement of) hub channels or even completely independent websites for specific games and their open source "communities", but a blanket "Open Source" channel is just arbitrary and capricious.
In response to Goku72
Goku72 wrote:
About that dll type thing, it could probably be used to easily create external map editors for projects that have more than one person working on them, and so the actual programming for those games couldn't get leaked.

Pardon my confusion as I have not worked in any BYOND teams. If you're going to have an external map editor in the first place, why not make it a Dream Seeker tool? Copying the functionality of the map editor in Dream Maker might initially be a pain, but once its done it can be used for all games and derivatives can be created for specific game functions.

Of course, I'm conveniently too lazy to create the initial library myself so take that with a grain of salt. ;)
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
and there will be, on average, only two rips of each game.

In theory, but if we stayed at a hundred (which I doubt) everyone would probably choose to use the coolest one.
Right now there are plenty of leaked DBZ games in circulation, DBZeta is just the most popular.
Part of the reason we have so many DBZ games is because someone sees one and goes "Yeah, that looks good, I want to do that too", usually with a "but I'd do it better" tacked onto the end.

You may think that more open-source games leads to more rips, but it ain't necessarily so. I've seen people's hub listings filled with ten Zeta rips at a time. They wouldn't have ten Zeta rips AND ten OpenRPG rips AND ten Bob the Hack'n'Slasher rips all at once. They'd be more likely to have three or four of each.

Again I beg to differ. When you look at the creation dates for those ten Zeta rips they're usually pretty close together, why? Because the creator keeps coming up with new ideas (and usually because when a game doesn't take off it's easier to make for a "fresh" start).
My guess is it would just add fuel to the fire having plenty of differnt types of games to choose from. You can only do so much with a single game before it gets boring, but with fifty games by the time you've got to the last you're ready for the first again.

I'm torn on the issue, but I think the pro side is jumping to a lot of conclusions that if wrong could blow up in their face.
In response to ACWraith
Of course, I'm conveniently too lazy to create the initial library myself so take that with a grain of salt. ;)

The problem with any interface done in BYOND even when it isn't run over the newtork is that it's slow to respond to commands which for something like dropping tiles could get very annoying.
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